The Official The Leftovers Season 2 Thread


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Well, well, well :sas1:

I was 6 episodes behind but finally was able to binge them all this weekend. Looks like the season 1 crew was right all along :sas1:

@Gil Scott-Heroin I haven't seen a troll get sonned this hard in a long time

I see that fukkboi that watched season 1 in the wrong order still thinks his opinion matters:mjlol:

Tired of this narrative that has formed that season 1 was trash and season 2 is goat. Season 1 was an 8/10 at WORST. 2 is a 10/10. Brilliant season. Every episode was fantastic including the ones with Liv Tyler and Tommy.

The stuff that made season 1 great was the emotion. But all you Lindelof haters were so focused on the mysteries that you blindly hated on it without giving it a true chance. Critiquing every single little element while ignoring the big picture. But now suddenly that season 2 has huge critical acclaim you are willing to ignore the same shyt that you hated about season 1 :francis:

It was good from the start, and now it is great. It was already a top 10 show on TV, and now it may have eclipsed The Knick for the #2 spot

Fight me about it

Same vocal haters in here ruining the thread as before. fukk all yall

@kp404 @obarth and all the other people from the season 1 thread that knew what was up already last year. Shout outs:salute: We did it :ohlawd:
I finally got a chance to watch the finale, breh:wow::wow::mjcry:So many feels

And you're right, the first season was great in its own regard.
Apr 30, 2012
You're crusade is over breh, give it up. You had people to back you last year. But now you are the only one left.
i) I post my OWN thoughts. I don't aimlessly dikkrride shows like the majority of yall do on here. I don't give a fukk who likes/doesn't like what.
ii) I was not the only one who either still didn't like the show or questioned some of the show's decisions/content:

What a wack season finale to end a garbage season. Hopefully this trash story line and show is thrown into the bushes so i can be done hate watching it:camby:
Hopefully the GR are murdered and wiped off the Earth in the final season.
Knowing Damon everyone but the GR will disappear. Then you'll get three seasons of nothing but the GR :troll:
yea, and then it became an all out shanty town. i guess they never came

like right now, I'd like to be discussing the cool shyt like how Kevin is apparently immortal, or what happened to whats his face and Virgil (why hasn't this guy's name stuck with me? Evie, Erica, and i can't remember the 2 guys' names) but let's be real, there's no point discussing it, b/c they won't explain it
Its not just this episode. Up until the purgatory episode this season was excellent. It completely fell apart after that episode.

At that point it for me a 9/10 season. After ending on 3 weak episodes in a row it has dropped to a 7/10.

Show completely collapsed under its own weight to end the season. Damon went full retard,everything circled back to GR and so many more stupid questions popped back up.

I Loved the first 7 episodes and hated the last 3.
Show is wack. :mjlol:

Evie amd Jill the only things that matter:ohlawd:

Did yall see Jill's eyes :wow:

Not sure how I feel about this episode, might be changing the way I look at the season and the series as a whole.
To put it shortly, I had reservations about even watching the show because of Lindelof and the premise.

When he came out and said, "we're never gonna reveal why they disappeared, it's about how people deal with the effects" I gave it a shot.

But then you have the limbo episode, which I enjoyed, partially because it reminded me of an episode of Lost and I kinda had the :francis: because it reminded me of Lost.

A man dies for 8 hours, goes into limbo, meets a guy that just killed himself to be his guide on this journey to remove the voice in his head. So when he died the 2nd time and went back into limbo..... The show started as this character thing but they add stuff that it's just hard to ignore. I can deal with nott knowing how/why the departed left, but when you have someone die twice in 3 episodes with no real explanation :ld:

And I wasn't really a fan of the GR being revealed as the big bad again this year after being away for most of the season, that's one of the reasons most felt this season was an improvement.




Not that it really matters @Adam3000, but as you can see I wasn't the ONLY one. :manny:
Last edited:
Apr 30, 2012
You know why I aint all up in The Affair thread talking about how weak the show is? Because I stopped watching it when I realized that. And there was nothing worth hate-watching about it. You continue to watch The Leftovers despite the fact that there is nothing to hate-watch. Because you love the show. You are putting on an act.
I wasn't hate-watching, I stayed on the train to see if it would take me somewhere worthwhile. And it did, there were SOME good moments throughout the season - moments which were stripped of all the gimmicks and pretense - but they were ultimately ruined by all the other bullshyt that Lindelof threw at us.


All Star
May 1, 2012
Finally caught up with this yesterday after putting it off since last year and the middling reviews it got. Such a great and tightly written season.
  • Dap
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Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
i) I post my OWN thoughts. I don't aimlessly dikkrride shows like the majority of yall do on here. I don't give a fukk who likes/doesn't like what.
ii) I was not the only one who either still didn't like the show or questioned some of the show's decisions/content:




Not that it really matters @Adam3000, but as you can see I wasn't the ONLY one. :manny:
what is this coli skin? :scust: I forgot what this site looked like i'm on that coli dark life :blessed:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
I watched the Season 2 trailer a few days ago & my interest is now peaked especially after hearing the rave reviews for the season 2. Do I have watch season 1 or can I just hop into season 2?

@FlyRy @Prodigal Syndicate @Adam3000
You have to watch s1. This show is about the characters so you need the full picture to understand their motivations and psyche. Certain scenes in s2 would be without context if you havent seen s1.

Personally I think both seasons are of around the same quality when taking in the entire seasons as a whole. Both are 7/10's.

The acting and some characters carry this show.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
I watched the Season 2 trailer a few days ago & my interest is now peaked especially after hearing the rave reviews for the season 2. Do I have watch season 1 or can I just hop into season 2?

@FlyRy @Prodigal Syndicate @Adam3000

Yes you have to watch S1 in order to fully appreciate S2 and it is a great season of TV anyway so you should have no desire to skip it. Plus, at least 2 or 3 of the top episodes in the series are in S1.