Well at least Sasha losing the belt was due to injuries/time off for recovery instead of goofy WWE booking. So for all y'all dudes that were talking about "her moment her moment", well, take some solace that she even won lol, even though looking back, the WWE should have just let Charlotte keep the title against somebody else (Becky???) instead of going for a ratings pop for the brand split.
Also, how many times does the WWE have to pull the Reigns "meanstreak" card before they release there's no way to repair him as a face? It's a total failure and they've restarted this like 4 times already. They had everything set up perfectly once Reigns beat Sheamus on Raw for the title (after creating League of Nations solely for Reigns to dismantle them), and they STILL fukked it all up. Not even blaming Reigns either, this is 100% on the "creative" team. Reigns isn't a "face of the company" dude, he's more of a 1B or #2 guy more than anything.