The bolded is a flat out lie. People complain about patches, buffs, nerfs, "content" and costumes all fukking day long everyday. You're acting like this cats put out Cyberpunk 1.0. SF6 been one of the best received games in the entire series from a gameplay perspective. It DID work day one. So that's moot.
Back in the SF2 days, they had to really TEST the games, and they weren't nearly as unfinshed as now. If something was broken, they issued an update, sent it cheap or free to arcade operators to update the game. Major changes? New game or major update. ALL HARDWARE. Now, it's a software update. Worked back then, I don't see how that can't now.
Also the concept that balance adjustments take little effort is also intellectually dishonest, if it was that easy then the game would be perfectly balanced and every fight would be a 5-5 match up.
Stop the BS hyperbole, no one expects that. But that's simply not true. There's CLEARLY characters that are overtuned right now (JP, Ken) and there's some that need just a "little" help like Kimberly. That all takes time, effort, data gathering and play testing. And all of that costs money/man hours.
Thanks to DLC culture, that work is now done after the fact, and they expect us to pay for it. That's bullshyt. They want the positives of the new model but cry about the negatives. Can't have it both ways.
I'm not putting this JUST on you, but there's a fundamental lack of understanding of how much time and effort that goes into a AAA game. Oh and btw, they've already put QoL improvements into the game:
It was solely Capcom's decision to make SF a "AAA" game with all the associated fluff, bloat and expense. If the economcs don't work, it's on them. Hold it in ya chest.
- Drive Rush input change
- Master Rank and MR points
- Increased input window on reversals off wake-up
- Adding new characters to World Tour
- Obtaining username and user code from players that rage quit
I used Destiny as an example because they're facing the late stage version of these issues, and I see Capcom heading that way. And fukk that corny ass World Tour mode, that was completely unnecessary. All wasted time and resources.
Since when were skins free? In any genre? Ones that were added en masse post-launch?

SF6 is about as healthy as it gets for fighting games right now, they literally did what you asked. But now they are lazy and a terrible developer because of a $6 skin?
I hate having to defend a fukking corporation but damn, breh. Like lets be reality.
Yeah, you sound crazy defending Capcom after the on-disc DLC fiasco. ZERO sympathy. With the great (and sometimes superior) skins people make themselves, I don't believe their sob story about the cost of making them, either. Their whole excuse about abandoning 2D sprites was "look at how much faster and cheaper we can do XYZ". Now it's time consuming and expensive. Something ain't adding up.
Costume 2 IS free.

And they literally gave a new costume to every base roster character. So again, they did MOST of what you asked for.
When I say free I mean, boom, here it is, no hoops to jump through, no fake in game money, no time commitment needed, just here, take this as a thank you.
But I agree with tiered prices but then people would flip over that. "Oh, new colors are only 2 dollars but the new waifu Chun skin is $22" there's no wining there with this audience.
I also loved MANY of the costumes in SFV, but did I buy them all? No. Did I balk at the price of any of them...nah. I just knew I wasn't gonna buy a $9 Chun skin because I don't play Chun.