I ain't arrogant I just know what I'm talking about most timesBruh I’m literally doing everything Idom is doing in those vids except I’m dropping my confirms due to 8 stitches in my left hand right now, and not touching the game for 2 weeks.
Both Louffy and Idom have dropped Manon and Idom even dropped vid on her pro & cons. I think it was @O.Red who said it or maybe it was a kappachino poster ( they both have that level of, “I told you so arrogance”) , but she was definitely over corrected cause of her medal system. Now people are realizing a lot of her stuff is fake, and they don’t have to respect her.

And yea I said that about Manon but nikkas are figuring it out anyway. What reason is there to respect Manon that doesn't involve medal buffed grabs?
The only reason to not upback her is the fact that you can just out challenge her dogshyt normals

Then you have drive rush, meant to let nikkas close gaps, but hers is atrocious