please do I’ll appreciate it.
Yeah sure.
The Other Slavery
Open Veins of Latin America
Capitalism & Slavery
The Dawning of the Apocalypse: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, Settler Colonialism, and Capitalism in the Long Sixteenth Century
The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, and Capitalism in 17th Century North America and the Caribbean
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Black Skin, White Mask
I would suggest reading the books in that order. In my opinion, these books are foundational texts. What you'll find after reading these books is that most people you engage with don't actually know any history. They're just trying to use their schooling to outsmart you.
None of these books delve into the political theory of socialism or communism. First, because you need to have foundational understanding of history to pivot on or else you just become a fanboy of charismatic personalities. Second, because as Marx even states, his inspiration came from studying indigenous history. So, you need to kill your belief that the way humans act now, is the way humans have always acted, by killing your misunderstanding of modernity and capitalism.
We can tag up as you go through each one if you want to talk or if you have questions.