@Swavy Karl Marx, more excerpts from that piece that stuck out
This is a rather fascinating piece to me, although I do disagree with it (that doesn't mean they're wrong though...). To some extent, I see the perspective as a logical extreme of vulgar materialism, and I characterize their basic position and outlook on working class power as one of "disaster socialism" (that is, no amount of organizing or consciousness can produce socialism, only an epic crisis that results in the working class holding the means of production and socialism being the logical conclusion of that material reality).
I would say that material conditions are the single most important determinant, but in no way am I able to see how disaster socialism becomes a reality without class consciousness preceding it. They take material interests at face value as common sense. Yet, there are some pacifist people in this world who, if they were locked in a room with a person with a knife and were told they were going to be killed, would not fight. The first law of nature, self-preservation, ought to compel the person to defend themselves. They would not do what their immediate material situation demands, i.e. defend themselves. So that may be a poor comparison, but that is basically how I see it. For anything that is not literally controlled by the autonomic nervous system, I think some degree of consciousness is necessary to act and understand what you are doing.
Also, when we think about it, there are plenty of places capital has not yet hit with full effect. Aspects of our lives in the developed world are also still being commodified (social media, love, etc.). When does that end? I liken capital to a fire. If you can get a handle on it and harness it, it can be good. But that will not simply happen on its own; fire untamed burns everything down. The working class can't wait.
What do they propose workers do to defend themselves
before the moment capitalism collapses (assuming it would, without conscious effort by the class)? Just take all the beatings the system offers with a smile?