How did you guys come to your current political views? @ everyone in this thread not just the socialists... we're you like this in college/highschool etc?
I used to be what you would call a "conservative" when I was young... like 11-12-13-14-15 (I was a braniac kid so I followed politics)... I rooted for Bush over Kerry in 2004 and supported the Iraq war (again I was a kid)
As I got older in highschool I fell into conspiracy theories... 9/11 stuff (
) and became a Ron Paul stan like heavy in the game from like 16-18... I still didn't really care about economics or how things like that worked so I thought Libertarianism was very rational, and it is at face value.
From like the financial crisis onward, I really wanted to understand what happened and I think that single event taught me more about anything than my years at college ever will. I formed my entire ideology based off really what happened in those few months and from then the missing pieces of the puzzle started to all fill in. I still am very hawkish probably because of my conservative leanings of the past and I am very pro liberty but I think the reality of the true workings of the world were made clear by the Lehman Collapse.