How do yall score fights? I'm looking at the people whining about Compubox stats, now.
So I look them up and Kov landed... 10 more punches the entire fight.
Round 2 was +13, 10 was +5, and he outlanded SOG in 4 other rounds by no more than 2 punches.
Maybe I'm trippin but I've always accounted for defense and offensive efficiency when I "judge" rounds. It doesn't even seem to be a category to a lot of other folks. Kov threw 200 more punches, but folks are clinging onto that +10 as if that's how we're supposed to judge fights.
shyt makes no sense.
I guess connect percentage is the best measurable metric but more credit and emphasis should be given to defensive counter attacks shyt we need a commentator who gets as excited as Lampley does when he sees a power punch, to get excited over fighters who counter and negate power punches.
In most sports defense is just as if not more important as offense but when people watch fights the offense is sexy, it's easy to spot with the eye , shyt they don't even see defense.