The Official SEGA Discussion Thread


XBOT Suicide Prevention Squad
Jan 24, 2015
Cali Crew
Retro-bit Gaming reveals SEGA Nomad styled portable Genesis

The 2019 Consumer Electronics Show is underway, and Retro-bit (the ones behind those SEGA controllers) tweeted out photos of a prototype of what they call the Genesis Portable System. The handheld resembles the beloved SEGA Nomad, with several differences. Aside from different button shapes and placement, the portable promises HDMI out and has a widescreen display. Based on the photos, there is an NTSC/PAL switcher and a reset button (which made X-Men unbeatable on the Nomad thanks to the “reset the computer” feature). The bottom hasn’t been seen, so no idea if there is a player 2 controller input. Also no promise of an SD card slot yet.

Despite the Nomad resemblance, it is important to note that this is not a Nomad and there is no promise of quality emulation yet. I know the Nomad gets a lot of grief for the battery life, but I have to say as a longtime Nomad owner that battery technology has improved to the point where one can get 6 hours of playtime on quality rechargables. Heck, I had a 3DS die on me in less time than that. Coupled with near perfect sound and the ability to mod the display to modern technology on a Nomad, this Genesis Portable System is no heir to the Nomad throne just yet. We’ll share more as we hear it!

Update: Retro-bit confirmed a player 2 input in a tweet to us.



Retro-bit Gaming reveals SEGA Nomad styled portable Genesis
:blessed:The GOAT has returned, always wanted one of these fukkers, but the battery life scared me away (6 AA batteries)

:feedme: Please SEGA, give us more


Jan 31, 2014
Wonder Boy Returns receiving physical release on PlayStation 4 from Strictly Limited Games

The Wonder Boy franchise has seen a lot of love recently. Between the remake of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap and Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, fans had a lot to enjoy. But there was a third game that probably flew under the radar for many. Wonder Boy Returns is a followup to the original game, meaning you’ll be running from left to right. The game saw mixed reviews, with Hardcore Gaming 101 stating the game “straddles the line between a remake and a sequel” and noting a “flat difficulty curve”. Their assessment was that there was “a pervasive sense this was done on the quick and cheap”. The game currently holds a 7/10 on Steam and the Metacritic reviews listed are mixed.

But hey! If you want the game physically, Strictly Limited Games have announced via Facebook that they will be giving the game a limited physical release. They are hinting that January 27th will be when pre-orders open. We’ll be sure to post an update when the game goes up for sale!

Wonder Boy Returns receiving physical release on PlayStation 4 from Strictly Limited Games


Jan 31, 2014

The modern retro accessory manufacturer Retro Fighters famous for the Brawler 64, a modern two-prong controller for the Nintendo 64 previously funded through Kickstarter, are now looking to release controllers for Mega Drive, Genesis and Saturn for pre-order as well as looking for funds for their Dreamcast controller via Kickstarter.

Featured on their website is the 2 in 1 controller designed for use on Mega Drive/Genesis and Saturn platforms named the BrawlerGen. Featuring six face buttons and an analog control stick supporting all platforms, a ‘Mode’ button for supported Mega Drive and Genesis games and two shoulder buttons for Saturn. The two handed design mimics the ergonomic form seen in modern controllers while supporting features necessary for all platforms. Bypassing crowdfunding, the controller is available with an MSRP of $39.99 for pre-order on their website with a launch date set for the 10th of June this year.

Retro Fighters has also launched a Kickstarter for their “Next Gen Dreamcast Controller.” After it’s first day the project has already blown past it’s initial goal with stretch goals in place for stickers as well as additional color variants. The information on the Kickstarter page shows that the controller retains the features of the original including two slots for VMU and Jump Pack accessories. The controller will also feature two bumper triggers on top of the controller, a larger D-pad as well as turbo functions. The Kickstarter page features a PCBA of the controller’s inner parts with footage of the device in action. The proposed MSRP rests at $49.99 compared to the Brawler 64’s lower price point. The Kickstarter notes this is to accommodate for parts and software necessary to allow for slotted accessories such as VMUs and Jump Packs. Estimated delivery is set for September of this year.

While these devices are likely to compete with Retro-bit’s Official SEGA controllers these are good for SEGA fans looking for alternatives to the standard form factor. Especially since Retro-bit has yet to provide a release of their official Dreamcast controllers. Otherwise there are next to no alternatives for SEGA’s disc based platforms compared to the immense popularity of the Mega Drive of varying quality. The Brawler 64’s overall positive reception helps show promise for Retro Fighters’ SEGA offerings. The 2 in 1 connector for the BrawlerGen has yet to be seen and does not appear to feature a digital/analog switch for Saturn titles (as not all Saturn games support the dedicated 3D Analog Pad which this controller is likely replicating) however the controller may sport a digital switch that is not currently advertised. Dreamcast fans will be happy to have a new controller with a fresh control stick. Both controllers presented will no doubt be a welcome addition for SEGA fans who want to find modern styled controllers or are looking for suitable replacements. You can check out more information on the BrawlerGen on their website as well as their Kickstarter page for their Dreamcast controller.

Retro Fighters Launches Pre-Orders and Kickstarter for SEGA Controllers