no-ones saying that stop deflecting
@KenyaDoll why did u change accts
Work through your own issues BM, break your own programming and clean up your own backyard. We are cleaning up our act in mass numbers. Follow suit! We are beautiful at any hair length. Stop making excuse for why your mind ain't right.
long story...
well, at least 1 out of 4 women you posted is a dark skinned black woman. and i'm cool on women with shorter hair than me, fukk outta here
long story...
Right. No one is talking about damaged hair and bald spots. We are talking about healthy short hair that he is saying is not attractive. He is just being a baby.
i guess we'll pretend like the overwelming majority of black women who do the big chop don't already have a damaged scalp from decades of abuse. we can just play dumb all day then.
I know plenty of women who are doing it and I have yet to meet one who is walking around with bald patches. But be real, that's not why you don't like short hair so I don't know why you keep bringing it up.
Keep defending your programming.
now count how many black women rock their hair like this in 2014? if this chick was born in the 80s, she'd be like the rest of y'all with indian hair knitted into your scalp.
explain because I bet it's general as fukk.
the bible says satan is the god of this world
what does the bible say about lucifer.."your heart was lifted because of your beauty,you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor"
what is white supremacy(a concept that dominates the world) based on? ..a separation/division of mankind based on superficiality
mere coincidence...?
what about what happened in the garden of eden?
satan spoke to eve=superiority complex(hides feelings of inferiority)..she ate from the tree of knowledge
adam listened to eve over GOD= inferiority complex(hides feelings of superiority)..he ate from the tree of knowledge because of his conditional love for eve
what creates the lust for power?....the feeling as though you are above others ...lucifer wanted to be above GOD...was the iniquity found in lucifer an inferiority complex? inferiority complex toward GOD..a superiority complex toward mankind...complexes he brought to adam and eve (?)...which is why he is the god of this world(?)
Jesus perfect humility
what creates unconditional love?...when self is lost in love=humility
like i said...too many connections for me to simply ignore
it's your right to disagree,of course