Thanks fam, been into this stuff heavy since I was 21, 23yrs later I'm still at it lol. Them SVSs really do sound phenomenal, I literally am hearing and feeling bass that I have not heard before sitting on the couch. Watching Hunter Killer, got me looking around the room like

. My wiremold channel raceways along the ceiling are vibrating, and they are snugly screwed in. I got serious back 2016 when I bought the Onkyo 3030, never had a top of line AVR before, started building from there. I wanted sound quality in every room. The Denon's were the best rated network media players, with all my music converted to FLAC and on the NAS boxes, they were a natural addition since selling my cd/dvd players.
Been rocking with Energy since '98, the C2's in the pc room are from that year, bought them brand new, still sound as good as when I 1st hooked them up back then. The 6.3 Veritas towers were at the time Energy's top shelf speakers, $3K for the pair, soundstage is just

, vocals float and instruments come alive and I don't even have them bi-amped. I got a killer deal on them for $550 for both from an original owner. He had Def Tech towers and 2 Samsung 80+" 4K tv's, he just wanted the Veritas in good hands. Slight cosmetic damage from shipping, was always a problem with these ones. If you can find ANYTHING in the Veritas lineup in great shape with original drivers, GET THEM!!! These towers will play down to 30-40hz and produce good bass. I set the xover on AVR at 70 to give them a break for the lower frequencies. I'm not up on SVS other speakers, very new to their brand. If they perform anything like their subs, they should be fantastic.