Did some experimenting to compare the Dolby Atmos-enabled reflecting speakers vs actual overhead ceiling speakers to see which ones sounds better and give a actual height perspective. Found 4 Sony cube speakers, bought some wall mounts from Monoprice, mounted and mock-wired everything up, changed the settings in the receiver for the overhead settings. The overheads have a more definite presence then the reflecting Atmos speakers, the Onkyo's sounded like they were overhead just not all the time. Now when something flies overhead, it actually sounds like it actually flew through the living room. According to Dolby when you do Atmos, you should lower your surrounds to ear level because of the extra height layer that is created, I did that and it works very well.
Wiring is a mess in the pic, getting some cable raceways from Home Depot for along the ceiling and going to re-run some wiring under the carpet. If anyone of you A/V heads are considering Atmos, do the overhead speakers if you can first. The nice thing is the Atmos receivers get the new Dolby Surround Upmixer (DSU), it will take existing material (5.1, 7.1) and upmix it to use all of your speakers. My final plan is to swap the Sony cubes out for Energy satellites so all the speakers match for the series they are.........