PlayStation 4(titles not available [at launch] for Xbox One)
- Blacklight Retribution
- Contrast
- DC Universe Online
- DiveKick
- DriveClub (might be delayed)
- Escape Plan
- flOw
- Flower
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Knack
- Minecraft
note: already out on X360, but won't be available at launch on XBO, it will be available at launch on PS4
- Pinball Arcade
- PlayRoom
- Putty Squad
- Resogun
- Sound Shapes
- Super Motherload
- Switch Galaxy Ultra
- Tiny Brans
- Warframe
- War Thunder
Bruh, I understand you steal threads from neogaf, now you let neogaf post think for you too

First off, all those games are not gonna be launch, its just a fanboy list
2nd, there has been how many shows? Nobody can name 75% of the games you listed
But I guess they good games right? Can't wait to play Tiny Brans

Switch Galaxy Ulta is my shiiiit

Super Motherload

Pinball Arcade (is that 1080p/60fps?)
War Thunder sounds like a free smartphone game that gets hate mail type reviews
PlayRoom, I don't know what it is, but fukk it

How could I forget to mention Puddy Squad
MeachTheMonster @
Rico @
Smooth3d @
ChrisDorner @
Rekkapryde I need you all to see this