Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
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you're joking right?So there is a pretty big rumor that Drive Club has been pushed to 2014 as well. Next gen seems to be getting off to a pretty shytty start.
They going thru the 5 stages of denial at neogaf look![]()
They going thru the 5 stages of denial at neogaf look there.
i'm looking at the PS4 launch lineup and its embarrassingly mediocre. its damn near a bunch of shooters and annual sports franchises. i know launch lineups can be poor but this one really stinks. i guess i'm gonna get Killzone and CoD or Battlefield then probably NBA 2K14.
all games (except Killzone) that i could get on current generation systems.
i think the lack of games for all systems shows that the companies are rushing to the next gen, and that their dropping a new system every 5 years or so cycle is biting them and the consumers in the ass this me, there is no need for new systems this year...look at games that just dropped and/or are dropping this year for the current systems, them shyts are nice...and i havent seen shyt on either of the new systems that makes me not want to play the current systems...but because of our society's thinking, consumers and companies are always looking for the next, new thing....and in this case, it's not needed, they just cannibalizing themselves