You cant have a hero w/o a Heru. That relates to where the term hero comes from. Anybody who takes any literature course in college and even in high school, any workshops. Have learn the archetype of hero. So in order to have a superhero, you have to have a Super Heru. However, when we look at Hollywood and we look at these movies, look at all these shows. We are seeing a presence, but the presence is distorted. Everything is being white-washed, Everything i getting changed. Everyone has the appetite to see the black superhero not as a fad, but just being within its rightful place. And the finally having a superhero show come forward, that has a decent budget, that has a good cast and that actually talking about principles that we can relate to. I feel that it resonate everybody.
It is sort of opposite in regards to Luke Cage within the comic book world. When Luke cage came out back in the day this was based on blaxoplation films. Like the dude was running around with a silk yellow shirt, with the top 4-5 buttons unbutton with a tiara, yellow boots and he was just like saying the corniest shyt. they had the stereotypical storylines that went on in the format of the story. If they would've been a problem. You have Cheo Coker who brought "Notorious". This is individual within Hollywood that has a sense of culture inside his heart & mind and he expresses it through the media. So because he was in creative control of the story line he was able to utilize Luke cage as a principle rather than replicating what had happen in the past.
Luke Cage and Carl Lucas.
Carl Lucas was a sheriff from Savannah, GA that ended up getting framed and put in jail. Now when you here Luke Cage and Carl Lucas you understand the free national name. This is why you have the 2 names for that individual. When you look at Luke Cage & Carl Lucas they give insight on the power and what is being talk about when you talk about Luke. When you talk about is light. Lucidity , translucent. The best purveyor of light or the electromagnetic spectrum is the melanin skin. When you do the etymology of Lucas you are going to find that Lucas actually means "freeman". So here you have one name which is Carl Lucas and he is a sheriff or sharif which is a title in Islam. And the Moorish community should understand what a Sharif is and he also has another name which is Luke Cage which he had to use to breakout of jail, ironically a slang for jail is cage. Luke Cage - encapsulated light because Cage means something trap or something being held and Luke represents light force he ended up gaining through that experiment. So there is the playin his name, a sort of dichotomy, yin-yang type of energy going on already, Coker is a former music journalist turn written so he brought us "Notorious" and he took those aspects. Like the scene with Cottonmouth (Mahersala Ali) & B.I.G., he was showing our aspect of what a royalty is because hip-hop itself played a major part in character.
The Origins
As it goes in the comic book Luke Cage, William Stryker, who is Diamondback were in a gang called the Rivals. Luke cage was like a gang member. Willis Stryker was a gang member which was ran by Samuel Caputoe. It funny he is referred to as Hammer because Hammer Technologies provided the bullet that provided the bullet that penetrate through Luke Cage skin. They named it Hammer Industries because that name Justin Hammer anyone who has seen Ironman 2, he was the guy that gave Whiplash his weaponry. He went against Tony Stark and he actually serving time in Seagate. There was a scene where they was in Seagate and they were like they have millionaires in the basement. They were referring to Justin Hammer.
So after he was a gangmember he decide to get out the life. Willis Stryker decide to stay in the life. The friend who goes down the right path, the straight and narrow to assist the friend that didn't decide to do it gets jammed up and that exactly what happen.
After that took place there wasa break that happen between then that happen with Reva. Reva was a girl they both were feeling. She ended up getting with Luke because Stryker stay in that life. Because she picked Luke. He got mad, frame him. He went to jail. When he got into jail he got transferred to Seagate and when he got transferred to Seagate and that when he got put in a cellular regeneration experiement which was a offshoot of the Super Solider experiment that went on with Captain America and Weapon X with Wolverine. He ends up going through the experiment. The racist warden that was over them, he went to destroy the machine to kill Luke Cage but in essence ended up being casuality in the process of him getting his super pwers.
He breaks out of jail out of all places he goes to 42nd Street, rents a room in a movie theatther called the Gym Theather in Time Square. he rents a room, by a film student B.W. Griffin. In the show he is young cat who is in the street selling the bootlegs of the incident where Avengers battle Aliens in the 1st Avengers movies. In Birth of a Nation with Nate Parker talking about Nat Turner. What is very interesting is that Birthing a nation is the energy of Auset. Auset is also known as Ishtar. Why is this so relevant? Because Luke cage mother name is Ishtar nicknamed Etta. Ishtar Lucas and the father name is James so he is the child of that represents the individual that masters the Diamond body.
125th Street has becomeone of the recent spots to be of high quality surveillance. They watch us to take this trend and monetize and use it in entertainment in order to make their money. This show was based in Harlem & there was so many principles of Harlem and the conscius community and everything they do all throughout the story. Especially with Dave Griffin and his eyes and ears in the street. The barbershop was the headquarters. we all know the barbershop is a pillar in the community. thats like the spot where we are allowed to congregate and build, all groups of people, all walks of life. Nothing is inhibited there. The Bible plays a pivotal point within series as with Birth Of a Nation. When we look at the bible as us we embody the principles encoded in that Bible rather than sort of looking at it literally. Using it to imprison peoples mind. In this instance they quote from scriptures whether Cottonmouth, Diamondback , or Luke Cage. A constant reference to a bible is being made on and on. Lucas represents light and freeman cause of light is free. When you looking at DNA being the main point of this show. The X-Factor you have to look at the components of DNA which represent the strand. You got double- stranded DNA you have steps that represent the nucletoid base.
Michael Colter is a virgo - August 26th cusp moving into Virgoes. He represents Virgo energy, but surrounded by Taurus energy. That Virgo energy that he has represents that Ishtar, because his mother is Auset, which is the deity who provides the milk to Heru to enable Heru to battle Set, that nutrient that is inside the milk called gal lactose. Auset/Ishtar represent the phosphorus, sugar the viabose. DNA represent the milk being passed on to the basis whic represent the 4 evangelistic angels, 4 sons of heru, 4 winds, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. The principles of 4, 4, 4 relate to each other.
Luke represents the Hapi. the Taurus energy that surrounds him actually comes from the people cast around him. This ox energy we all know Luke Cage looks like a bull. Even though he isnt taurus he is a Virgo. That represent the mother and Osiris. thats why there is such a profound black female cast. Intelligent black women showing their strength and reign, which we hardly ever get to see getting respect. What make him powerful is he is respectable, he is humble, he cares. He shows show the respect for the woman. Samuel L. Jackson wife play Mama Mabel. He is surrounds byt Taurus The guy who played Noah The Scientist who gave him his power is 5/22/61, which is technically moving into Gemini but its still Taurean energy. The 1st person to perform at harlem Paradise was Raphael Saadiq he is a Taurus. Rosario Dawson is May 8th. Now with Pops he is a gemini. he is actually a part of some secret orders. He is a high ranking official. They tell you in the show that he has two sides. The symbol for the Order he belongs to is the Ox. That order was established April 10.
-Music played a instrumental part in this show. they really infused hip-hop because Luke Cage came with Hip-Hop. How instrumental? Every episode was named after a Gangstarr song. The music situation gets real deep because who was in charge of the music for Luke Cage? Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad. On the veneral equinox we lost Phife Dawg, Guru die of cancer. On April 19th that is when the sun trangress into Taurus. Guru was from Massachusetts. What makes that important to the series - Crispus Attucks. In those days you had royal press gangs. The way they would get more soliders is they would hit a island and by force they would kidnap people to become they army. They were doing this in Boston. Similar to how they were pressing people in the Series to give Cottonmouth money. They flipped it. Because if we represent Harlem they were Asians, Palestines. they make commerce. Oddly enough the 1st couple that was leaned on was a Asian couple Crispus got shot in the American Revolution, the spot where he got shot is a circle, a man hole cover and it has a star in the center like the Captain America shield. You Have the memorial which is a large obelisk and a woman in front w/ a spear. Its from France and her name is Mary Anne. This is related to the Statue of Liberty. It also connects to ishtar. The Liberty energy, thats what Luke Cage is all about liberty, freedom.
Willis Stryker - Stryker what does a snake do? strike Thats why Diamondback. Back in the day you had the Serpent Society. Even Cottonmouth was a part of that representing the viper. Where does he come from. You have Reverend Lucas who had a wife Ishtar nickname Etta and you had a secretly named Diana. You have the Isis energy. Like with Ausar who sleep with Sets wife. In the story you have this with Stryker. Luke is called the miracle baby. They have beef that same to do as as Set did to Ausar. Seagate is the Altar of Sacrifice. Carl Lucas was sacrifice at Seagate Prison by Noah. He was the result of certain principle allowing him to express certain areas in his DNA which was dormant. What principle were included in this? Melanin, heat, PH of water & water itself. Remember the "Remove the Judas Bullet" scene? What was done lower the PH of the water through acid. We are alkaline beings. the body is electric there is no melanin only carbon. The carbon is the secret weapon in his skin. The principles that went into his body his melanin, PH & water.
Lucas actually represent the Tin-man. the 4 principles; Matthew, Luke, Mark & John. Wiard of Oz was one of the deepest movies. Now Mums (squabbles represents the throat chakra & speaking. the creative force which come from the throat. Dorothy represent Matthew she is the one who has the wings. The Lion is mark , The Scarecrow represents John. Tin man represent luke. Also on another note tin = tax indentification number. which is liken to when people mention that U.S. is a corporate. That what Luke represent cause he had these two characters.