Finished it today. It was solid. Slow and a bit corny at times but I enjoyed it. If I had to rank it amongst the other Marvel shows on Netflix, I put it an inch above Jessica Jones. They both were good, just neither one was Daredevil.
I said it before but I thought Diamondback was a really good villain. Luke's speech while in the precinct felt very Black Dynamite.
Got Meteor Man vibes during Cage/Diamondback's fight but that seems to be a common trope (happened in
Friday and in Rocky V) of the neighbourhood cheering on the protagonist.
Luke and his damn coffee

"Just depends on the blend, I hear that Cuban coffee is particular robust"

GTFOH with that shyt breh lmao!
We're three shows deep now with a fourth coming and a potential Punisher show, they gotta tie all this together soon. I'm only wondering how