Wow, has a penetration expert, this show is very on point about hackers in a poetic way especially for those of us who found hacking naturally before it found us. Living a life looking for weaknesses and exploiting it at every level. The weakest part about all hackers are just like everyone else's their ego, their inability to not leave traces. Ways to identify yourself throughout what you love. So I usually listen to music or autobooks to distract me while working all day. I stumbled upon this show once again, avoiding it because most shows about hacking are terrible. So I decided let me give this show a try while I work on this project this week. The show reminds me so much about the layers of programs, so complex but so simple. The way Elliot didn't just wipe his data but destroyed it physically too but leaving traces of it behind because we has individuals want to leave a part of who we are behind. We want credit for our work and we leave behind traces of it within it.
Season 1, you know who really intrigued me the most? The drug dealer (Fernando Vera), he understood something everyone else didn't. He basically tells us the story line of the next following seasons. He talks about balance. He was the only one to let Elliot know their is always a price to pay for your actions. You believe you can exploit people without thinking it will end up back on your doorstep. Elliot looked for simple solutions whether that was through drugs or keeping a calculated relationship with his therapist.
Season 2, I cannot remember the last time I enjoyed watching a rapper - actor has much as Joey. Honestly the last time I enjoyed watching a rapper play a role so well was Tupac. Beside that it very interesting to me but it wasn't suppose to be, it was based on Elliot constant need to escape from reality. It also illustrated Angela disconnection with her father, from the funeral to looking into blind revenge, she wasn't even sure if the people had left the building which heavily resembles her real father. Which we found out later in season 3. I knew all along Angela cold empathetic rage stemmed not from her mother death but same disconnection Elliot grew up having with the world.
The way the Dark Army left traces behind and now want to recover, retrace all of it's step back from being exploited. How Whiterose, whose constantly battling time is wasting time waging war just to prove a point.
Season 3, The relationship between Elliot and his father, on how he has gained some of his father best traits but spends his life despising his father while being exactly like him. Elliot coming to terms that while trying to destroy what he deem what is destroying everything around him, actually in turn destroyed himself and the one's he cared about. Realizing he wasn't much different than those he was against, willing to destroy without understanding or knowing of the consequences at hand. Creating a solution to a problem, that is bigger than his problem. He reminds us of this while only focusing on the New York buildings. Human issues/error are often looked with a centralize eye and that is a major flaw for those trying to solve our everyday problems. The female cop also played this same role, she looked at life with a very narrow vision. She couldn't conclude why someone like her the other cop would submit to such a position but the ease to turn against her own people with a mention of her family. So who is she really fighting for the good and status of this country or her ability to self-cope with life through her work.just like Elliot, just like the 1% leaders they call evil. Where does the bridge between duty to humanity and self stop and begin.
Season 1, Shayla was his price. Season 2, his All Safe boss was his price. Season 3, his partners at Fsociety was his price. While escaping his problems once again working at Ecorp, he left everyone behind who were still fighting the war he created. Elliot will either learn his way of coping and trying to fix the world is only destroying the one around him. If he doesn't, Darlene or Angela will be victims of season 4.
I believe season 4 will be about acceptance. Elliot, Darlene, Whiterose and Angela will all have moments about accepting themselves in which they mask. I will watch season 4 all in 1 time span while working probably.
I haven't enjoyed a show like this since the beginning ages of The Mentalist. Oh shyt this is long as fukk