Mr. Manhattan

May 3, 2012
From a directional and cinematography standpoint this is one of the best episodes by far
Elliot on Adderal entering Kernal Panic mode brehs, i thought my stream was fukking up :pachaha:
Craig Robinson is becoming an interesting character...
The opening monolgue with Romero was his curtain call... real fukked up how they kill him off... i wanted to see more with his character

No sign of Tyrell, No sign of Fernando

How long will they keep us waiting :noah:
And I wanted more of Tyrells wife :noah:

Mr. Brown

All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Man I think I need to go back and re-watch S1 because I'm pretty lost when it comes to a lot of the little details of what's happened
May 23, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
than rewriting it for you.


“”” Because this is Mr. Robot and Sam Esmail is all about this stuff, you can see at the 0:40 mark of the trailer a phone number to call, 212-804-6003. When you dial that number, a voice tells you that they have an unexpectedly high call volume right now, then it breaks up with static. Suddenly, a voice comes in and says In order for the light to shine so brightly the darkness must be present. Then there’s a series of tones.

The tones, it turns out, represent 0s and 1s. It’s binary code. And the quote is from Francis Bacon.

What’s it mean?

I’ll let r/MrRobot take over.




It’s a Bacon cipher (hence the Francis Bacon quote)




When you go to the website, a human eye looks in order at hex numbers 4c4f4f4b205550, which translates to “LOOK UP.” There also is an empty box to put in a code, but as of now, the hex numbers and LOOK UP don’t seem to open it. (Neither do CEILING or SKY or GOD, as I tried.)

This is so fun and so crazy. I’ll update more as I find out.

UPDATE: The cursor at the bottom of the screen blinks in Morse Code if you leave it, spelling out LEAVE ME HERE.

If you enter that in the website, you get taken to a page where you can request an fsociety t-shirt. “””

According to the guys who podcast about Mr. Robot at Bald Move, the first 590 people to find this and request a shirt were given one, which coincides with the date of the hack (5/9).

I decided to share that because the small details of this show is one of the reasons why I pay so close attention to the show because it is fun to analyze every little thing. You never know what little thing is a clue to something greater, or is just a small Easter egg. I don’t know of any other television show that is currently like this. So enjoy the ride while it is here.

So with that said, let’s jump into this week’s episode. I went through the episode twice and these are the things I found. I also include some things that I missed that I found from outside sources, which I will give credit to when I mention those things.

Head & Neck Injury Bonanza

This one isn’t a thing you missed, but I want to talk about it because I believe Romero’s story parallels other events in the show, making this scene even more powerful in hindsight.

The episode opens with Romero telling Mobley a long story about the history of the owners of the arcade.

Romero begins the story after Mobley gives some money to a charity Santa, which is an act that is important on three levels: first, it sets the time of year, showing that it is around Christmas time; second, the first family tragedy Romero talks about happened on Christmas morning; and third, in the current reality of the show, no one is probably giving money to charity, so it is a grim reminder of the consequences of the hack.

Now to the stories of the previous owners of the arcade.

Romero tells Mobley about a patriarch on Christmas who slits his wife’s throat, stabs his kids to death, and then slits his own wrists. Next we have Mary Megan who fell off her bar stool onto a pool cue that went right through her neck, killing her—difficult to imagine it happening, but I suppose it is plausible. Next we have a son shooting his dad in the face, who then fell out a window busting his head open, of which his twin brother was blamed. This was the same twin brother who gave Romero the key and said the arcade is the nexus of evil.

Romero’s story has mainly deaths involving head and neck trauma, along with someone being thrown out a window by the kickback of a shotgun. These specific actions parallel other events in the show.

We have seen Elliot injuring his head both metaphorically (when Mr. Robot shoots him) and in reality (when Mr. Robot throws him out the window). We have also seen Elliot throw himself out the window (when he throws Mr. Robot out the window). We have seen Gideon shot through the neck and we later see Romero killed by a shot to the head or neck.

This random historical story about the arcade draws upon a lot of imagery we have seen up to this point making the scene that much more effective. On top of that, Clyde was convicted and sentenced to a crime for which he didn’t do, and we know that Gideon was killed for a crime he didn’t do.

As I said, there are a lot of parallels in the show to this scene, which is why I wanted to address them. Another vivid point is that place has been called the nexus of evil, which is very fitting. It is a place that has helped cause a lot of evil to come forth: Tyrell and his murder of Sharon Knowles, Philip Price, the unintended suffering of society because of the hack, and more. It certainly could be considered a nexus of evil.


Mobley said that Romero was a Phreaker. You are probably wondering what it is if you aren’t familiar with hacking culture and its history. According to the lovely Wikipedia, “Phreaking is a slang term coined to describe the activity of a culture of people who study, experiment with, or explore, telecommunication systems, such as equipment and systems connected to public telephone networks.”

Now I’m curious why they would need Romero for that, since Phreaking isn’t a thing anymore because of current technology. He could very well be a general hacker too. When I look back on last season, I don’t really know what Romero’s technical purpose was in FSociety. I guess it doesn’t matter now though.

You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me – Dusty Springfield

After Romero’s story, the next sequence is a bunch of wide shots of New York City before it finally cuts to Elliot on the phone. During this sequence, the song You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me by Dusty Springfield is played.


The song was inspired/based on an Italian song called “lo che non vivo (senza te)” which translates to “I, who can’t live (without you).” You can take some sort of meaning away from the lyrics of Dusty Springfield’s song, and at the same time, I think just looking at the English translation of the song title it was based off is more powerful.

“I, who can’t live (without you).” The episode is Elliot trying to live without Mr. Robot, but at the end it seems Elliot is resigned to accept that Mr. Robot is with him, a part of him that he can’t live without at the moment.


You may have missed it, but Ray said to his “wife” that the allowance was down to $50 a day. So it doesn’t look like things are going too well for people. Just another reminder that the hack seems to be affecting the little people more than E Corp.

Kernel Panic
In case it went over your head, a kernel panic is “A panic may occur as a result of a hardware failure or a software bug in the operating system. In many cases, the operating system is capable of continued operation after an error has occurred. However, the system is in an unstable state and rather than risking security breaches and data corruption, the operating system stops to prevent further damage and facilitate diagnosis of the error, and, in usual cases, restart.”

In the episode, Elliot is treating himself as an operating system. Mr. Robot is the error that has been occurring and Elliot is completely unstable and is afraid of further damage to himself, so he decides to try reboot himself. I love the analogy of Elliot as an operating system. So fitting.
May 23, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
Red Wheelbarrow Again & The Man In The Hat

So we saw this guy sitting in the diner last episode, and naturally it made you wonder who he was. He ends up kidnapping Elliot and brings out a red wheelbarrow and then has his henchmen pour cement (looks like that is what it is) into it.


If you remember from last week, the red wheelbarrow is the name of Elliot’s notebook. I still have no concrete idea about the significance of the red wheelbarrow.

One thing I wonder is if anyone else thought of activated charcoal when the cement was being mixed and then poured down Elliot’s throat? Activated charcoal by the way is the stuff they use to induce vomiting in someone who has overdosed or consumed something poisonous.

One thing we did learn though is that the guy in the hat above is really just under Mr. Robot’s control. At least that is what I think we are supposed to take away from the resulting scene after Elliot throws up the medication.


The Map & Drawing of Franz Ferdinand


The map is a humorous map of Europe in 1914, which was the year World War One started. The drawing is a picture of Franz Ferdinand being shot, which to some is the action that helped start WWI.

Last week, there were references to the Weimar Republic and the Great Depression. This week we have references to WWI.

What is Sam Esmail trying to get across with all of these historical references? Why the hell does Philip Price have a Germanic humorous map of Europe in 1914 behind his desk? What does that say about him? Was the E Corp decision to cover up the leak many years ago the “bullet” that started E Corp’s battle with FSociety?


My favorite television podcast Bald Move brought this to my attention. The name of the restaurant Philip Price and Angela go to is called Fidelio’s. The English translation of the word “fidelio” is “faithful.”

I find this fascinating because I believe Philip is trying to groom Angela into an E Corp executive that is “faithful” only to E Corp, and that is the reason why he gave her the cd that would send the other executives to jail. He is testing her to see what she will do with that new information.

On my own, after I listened to Bald Move, I did some more research. I found that Fidelio is an opera by Beethoven where a woman puts on a disguise in an attempt to free her imprisoned husband. Wikipedia says it is “a story of personal sacrifice, heroism and eventual triumph (the usual topics of Beethoven’s “middle period”) with its underlying struggle for liberty and justice mirroring contemporary political movements in Europe.”

The word “Fidelio” was also the password Tom Cruise’s character uses to get into the occult ceremony in Eyes Wide Shut, which is a movie that involves a person infiltrating a secret society.

Isn’t Philip part of some secret rich people society where he somehow knows White Rose (who was under a different guise at the time)? Hmmm…. Hmmm…..

Where the hell is White Rose by the way and what was the purpose of showing him meeting with Philip Price?

Social Anxiety

Dominique DiPierro, the FBI agent, opened up a social anxiety app at 4:00AM while watching reality television. Clearly, she has insomnia along with social anxiety.

We have another person struggling with mental illness in this series. Is this just a way to add some character depth to her, or will this social anxiety play a part in her future plot development? Something to be aware of in the future.


The above is right after she looks at the social anxiety app.

This is from the internet sex masturbation scene.

You can’t see it too clearly, but it is obvious that she has a tattoo on her upper arm.

Now this is a very tiny detail that potentially has no purpose, but I decided to include it because it seems like a random thing to include. It seems weird to not have it be meaningful unless it is misdirection. Why have a rather large tattoo on a character that is usually wearing sleeves? We have only seen her so far without sleeves when she is in a vulnerable state by herself and while off duty.

It has to mean something right?

The actress Grace Gummer doesn’t have a tattoo on her arm, so this is something done purposefully. I have two tattoos and they both have meaning to me, and most people who get tattoos tend to attach a certain meaning to them.

I’m curious to know what the tattoo is and what meaning she has attached to it. It could just be a random character detail they gave her that has no purpose besides fleshing out her character, such as, “hey this FBI agent has a tattoo. She must be crazy and badass,” but I feel like there is more to it.

So don’t be surprised if we get a full reveal of it in the future and for the tattoo to be meaningful in some way. You are now aware that you have seen it before.
May 23, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
The Highwaymen

Sam Esmail seems to love to pick songs whose backgrounds appear to be related to the story. I wasn’t aware of this last week and had to learn about it through the guys at Bald Move, but this week I researched the songs when they came up.

The song when Dom is getting ready is called Highwaymen, which was written by Jimmy Webb. He said that he had a vivid dream after a night of drinking alcohol, and when he woke up from it he started to write the song.

About the song, Webb said, “he realized that the highwayman character does not die, but becomes reincarnated, and the three subsequent verses evolve from that idea. In the second verse he becomes a sailor, in the third verse a dam builder, and in the fourth verse Webb switches to future tense and the character becomes an astronaut who will someday “fly a starship across the universe divide.”

It is easy to suggest that Dominique changes throughout this scene as the song plays. She is at first a socially anxious tired person, but as the song plays, and as she drinks more coffee and puts on more makeup she undergoes a transformation to become a “confident FBI agent.” The socially anxious part of her doesn’t die; it is just masked by her new role as an FBI agent.

I think there is a lot more to this Dominique character and I look forward to see how she evolves over time. One of the things I look forward to learning about her is about the information she has stored below.

Hard Drives?

This is a photo of inside Dominique’s safe as she reaches into it. Those look like hard drives (or potentially cd cases)? They also have labels on them for the month.

What are they? Are they information about her past cases (sort of like how Elliot keeps all of his past hacks hidden on cds) ?

I don’t know what it is, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see them for a while and then they become important. So remember that they are there.

The Betrayal

The guys at Bald Move pointed out this little Easter Egg that I didn’t catch. During a part of the sequence where Elliot malfunctions, it has Leon talking backwards. In that part Leon is talking about a Seinfeld episode called “The Betrayal,” which is an episode that is in reverse chronology, aka the last scenes go first and then moves to the start.

Here’s Johnny


Your first thought upon seeing these girls was probably, “I’ve seen something similar to them in a horror movie,” at least that was my initial thought. The one that popped into my head immediately was The Shining. The two girls in the blue dresses appear to be wearing the exact same dresses as the girl.


The Shining is a psychological film about a writer’s descent into madness and a son who possesses the ability to see things from the past and future.

Well Elliot is clearly going mad, as this season has shown so far. I would argue that Mr. Robot has increasingly become “more” violent and angry as the series has progressed. He wants to kill off Elliot, his “son”, and make the world see him instead. Mr. Robot could be compared to the Jack Nicholson character while Elliot could be compared to the son.

This is also interesting because Christian Slater has been compared to Jack Nicholson in the past. Christian Slater even was in a West End production of One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, which is one of Jack Nicholson’s famous movies about a patient in a mental hospital that was also subtly referenced to last week.

There is a reason that Sam Esmail picked this visual reference to The Shining. Whether it is a simple Easter egg or something more meaningful is up to you to decide.
May 23, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mac Error Symbol


Thank you to the Bald Move guys for pointing this one out. The symbolism of the laundry and its reflection in Elliot’s dark eyes is a call out to the Mac Spin Error that pops up whenever a Mac computer is having an issue.


In the sequence in the show, the beeps made are even similar to the sound a Mac makes when it is malfunctioning—at least my Mac has made sounds like that when it has malfunctioned. This is a cool little nugget to go with the theme of Elliot being a operating system. I guess he is a Mac.

Since the show is about hacking, here is a fun little bit of information. Passwords on Macs are meaningless if someone steals your computer (at least in older generations). It is really easy to get into the root directory, create a new master user account, login into that, and change the other accounts passwords from there to get into the original user’s account.

In reality, anything a hacker gets their physical hands on is probably going to be able to be hacked eventually, but the fact that Mac computers are so easy to get into is troubling. I know of the ability to do the above because my mom’s Mac malfunctioned one time and she was locked out of her computer, and she asked for help, so I quickly and easily learned about the above method to get her access to her computer again.

The reality of life is that hacking isn’t that difficult (you can take a Udemy class to learn the basics of it) and is something that can affect any one of us… In fact, it already has—DNC hack, Snowden, Sony hack, and more.

If anything this show should be a reminder for you to be careful with your security.

Code Code Code

Throughout the episode we see the above code. It was written in the notebook, and it was also shown on the screen as it would be on a computer. If you are familiar with coding, then you probably realize that there is a bunch of hexadecimal code in this snippet.

I was too lazy to translate this, so I decided to hop on Reddit to see if someone else had, so I wouldn’t have to. Who_is_mrX translated the hexadecimal code to asci and said it means “init decode sequence…five down, nine across…skip truncation…

The full code is revealed at the above link. Someone else said it is a linux kernel for a virtualization server. For those that don’t know what a virtual machine is, “In computing, a virtual machine (VM) is an emulation of a given computer system. Virtual machines operate based on the computer architecture and functions of a real or hypothetical computer, and their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination.”

You can have a lengthy discussion about virtual machines, Elliot as an operating system, and what it means that it is all malfunctioning, but I am not going to go into it. I just wanted to share this bit of information with you of something that you may have missed that could cause you go to into a fun little rabbit hole if you wish.

Master of the Universe

So Philip Price jokes with Angela that he is the master of the universe.”

This is in reference to the movie about He-Man called Masters of the Universe….

Just Kidding.

It is actually in reference to the Twilight fan-fiction Master of the Universe (MoTU) which was the story that evolved into the Fifty Shades of Grey series.

Just kidding again.

I think it was just a line that is a part joke part truth about Philip’s feelings about himself, and probably more of a truth than a joke. I added this because it is amusing that I am now analyzing little portions of this television show in my free time hoping to find an Easter Egg or something else significant, and you care enough to be reading this…

We care too much about this show. Oh well, onwards!

Happy Hard On Henry


First off, 806 sounds like “anal sex” when you say it really quickly. Thanks for that information urban dictionary.

Her name deep steep is a natural bath, body and hair care line, so I don’t know if there is any other meaning to that. I wonder why she chose that name.

Happy Harry Hard On though is a nickname that a character goes by in the movie Pump Up the Volume. In this movie, the character has a radio program that urges high school students “to do something about their problems,” and he also eventually causes a reveal of illegal activity that was going on by the principal of the high school.

The character was played by Christian Slater.

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern

Philip Price calls the two guys at dinner Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. These are two characters from Hamlet. “They are childhood friends of Hamlet, summoned by King Claudius to distract the prince from his apparent madness and if possible to ascertain the cause of it.” They end up being executed because of Hamlet.

Now one can analyze this reference, but I’m not going to, I just wanted to share the reference for the benefit of people who don’t know Hamlet.

A cool thing that I did find out is that there is an absurdist play by Tom Stoppard called Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Supposedly the play is similar to Waiting for Godot, which was an absurdist play that was burned last episode.

Mr. Robot S2 Ep. 3 - 18 Things You May Have Missed | An Eccentric Life



Jun 16, 2014
The Bay Area
Have you guys heard about the VR episode they had on the within app ? It has a timer for only thirty minutes and it disappeared.
It was Elliot reminiscing about his date with Shayla and he reveals he buries that memory due to her death. it was pretty crazy brehs