Thanos gets mentioned a lot and the move gives you the sense he's a legit threat and bad guy. But he only appeared for like 30 seconds in a 1 minute scene, I was a little disappointed because they didn't really build up him for Avengers 3. There's still no real link between him and the Infinity Gems and I hoped that was going to start in this film. I hope there's more development in Avengers 2 because I don't wanna sit through 30 minutes of explanation about Thanos and the Gems
Ronan was meh. It reeaaally didn't help I'm watching Halt and Catch Fire because watching Joe being the main villain was really underwhelming, he didn't convince me at all. Maybe he will for other people though...
Batista was better than I expected, dude had a couple of really funny scenes. I thought Drax was more powerful though, he was a beast against everyone except the really bad guys.

I don't care if she green. I'd hit in a heart bit
Star Lord was great I thought, dude pulled it off
Hated the Nova Corps. The mix of comedy and for this supposedly great police force didn't work for me at all. They come out like a bunch of jobbers