The Official Los Angeles (County) Discussion Thread


Jan 10, 2013
I really only go to Malibu for the scenery. The water at SoCal beaches is too damn cold to enjoy it.

I'll only get in the water in Hawaii or Caribbean. I need to be able to see through the water to have a peace of mind.
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May 2, 2012
Fresno, Ca
This is not surprising. As part of my job we had to actually do a plant inspection of the City Wastewater Treatment Facility yesterday. When we asked the Wastewater Operator what the strangest thing they've ever found he mentioned that the biggest amount of waste was Tampon Applicators. He said that they go right through the grinders and don't decompose.


Jan 10, 2013
Facing hostile Black Lives Matter protesters, Garcetti's South L.A. forum ends abruptly

The meeting at Holman United Methodist Church, attended by several hundred, was quickly overtaken by about 50 protesters from organizations including the national activist group Black Lives Matter, which was formed in the wake of high-profile police killings of young black men. As Garcetti spoke to a full house in the church's cavernous sanctuary hall, the demonstrators stood and turned their backs to him.

Toward the end of the hourlong session Garcetti, ringed by police officers, struggled to reach his car as he was swarmed by a crowd of chanting activists — and once inside the vehicle, he was forced to wait amid blaring sirens until the crowd was dispersed by the LAPD.
“The mayor has neglected, disrespected and abused the black community for far too long,” Melina Abdullah, a professor of Pan African Studies at Cal State L.A. and organizer for Black Lives Matter, said at the meeting. “We are here today because this is real for us. This is not a political game. This is not about your reelection. This is about our lives.”

Others voiced exasperation at what they described as the usurping of a general-purpose community meeting by a small and unrepresentative group of protesters. Many of those seated in the pews as the meeting began rose and left as the faction of protesters became more strident in questioning Garcetti. Others tried to quiet the demonstrators when they interrupted Garcetti.
“You had a sub-group that was trying to take over the town hall,” said Daryle Shumake, 45, a healthcare worker who lives in South L.A. Shumake, who is black, said he had come to the meeting to ask about the likelihood of L.A. succeeding in its bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics.
“Whatever they were talking about is not my reality,”:mjpls: he said of the demonstrators.

In a statement released late Monday, Garcetti said he was disappointed by the meeting's outcome.

“Tonight, we had hundreds of South L.A. residents attend a community meeting — leaders, business owners, mothers and children, who took time out of their evening to discuss the critical issues that matter most to all of us,” he said. “I am disappointed that our conversation was cut short when there is so much work for us to do together to make our neighborhoods stronger and safer. I believe in our city and my commitment to our shared concerns continues, stronger than ever.”

The evening's rocky unfolding was the latest episode in Garcetti's struggle to gain support among black residents of South L.A., who favored his opponent, former City Controller Wendy Greuel, in the 2013 election. Since then, Garcetti's stumbling responses to a number of high-profile police shootings have further strained his relationship with some black activists, especially within the Black Lives Matter movement.
That relationship hit a low point in June, when Garcetti flew to Washington, D.C., on the eve of the police commission's ruling on whether LAPD officers were justified in the fatal shooting last summer of Ezell Ford, an unarmed, mentally ill black man.
Garcetti was caught on videotape trying to avoid Black Lives Matter protesters camped outside the mayoral residence in Windsor Square by leaving through the back door. When the protesters discovered that and blocked his car, he told them he was flying to the nation's capital to secure federal funding for homelessness and community policing initiatives.
It later emerged that the trip was actually scheduled so Garcetti could attend a fundraiser for his 2017 reelection campaign at the home of a prominent Democratic Party operative.:martin:

For much of the meeting Monday, Garcetti seemed to have learned from that encounter, calmly delivering forceful, articulate responses to angry questions on topics ranging from the expansion of public transportation lines into South L.A. to his choice of police commissioners.
At one point the mayor delivered a disarming response to one protester who complained about the deeply rooted causes of violence in black neighborhoods.

He added: “If you just try to say all lives matter, you write people out of history. You write slavery out of history. You write oppression and violence out of history. You write racism and lynching out of history. So I get why it is important — just hear me out for one second — you're right.”
At one point, Garcetti tried to assuage his antagonists by encouraging them to vent: “You can boo,” he said. “You can do whatever you want.”
“Let me say, you're right, your analysis,” Garcetti said. “I hate this back-and-forth we hear nationally, where people say black lives matter and politicians say all lives matter. Black lives matter in a unique way, and you and I see eye to eye on this.”

The meeting ended abruptly as dozens of demonstrators began to crowd on stage reaching for microphones. Police officers and City Hall staffers then ushered Garcetti out of the church and into his car through a press of demonstrators and reporters.
One activist jumped on the trunk of the car as Garcetti disappeared inside. An LAPD helicopter circled overhead, its spotlight on the mayor's sedan.
Police said no arrests were made.
The pastor who presided over the gathering said he was "very, very disturbed and disappointed in Black Lives Matter for violating the trust and confidence" of the meeting’s organizers.
"We were here to have a constructive and civil meeting with decency, so we can all examine what are some of the obstacles and opportunities in South Los Angeles," the Rev. Kelvin Sauls said. "We certainly understand the rage because of the challenges in South L.A., but amidst that, we do not want to violate our own integrity."

Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012
LAUSD Closes All Schools Amid 'Credible Threat' of Violence to 'Many Schools': Officials

The Los Angeles public schools were abruptly shut down and students sent home on Tuesday after the police received what officials described as a credible bomb threat against the nation’s second-largest school system, throwing into disarray the lives of millions of Angelenos — students, parents, teachers and other school staff members.

The threat was made electronically, and it was explicitly “to students at schools,” said Ramon C. Cortines, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District. He said “some of the details talked about backpacks and other packages.”

But Mr. Cortines declined to say more about the nature of the threat or how it was received, but The Associated Press quoted the school spokeswoman, Shannon Haber, as saying that the threat was sent by email to a board member and was believed to have come from Frankfurt, Germany. The Los Angeles Police Department and the F.B.I. were investigating.

“It was not to one school, two schools or three schools — it was many schools, not specifically identified,” Mr. Cortines, wearing a gray sweatshirt, said at a news conference shortly after 7 a.m. “I am not taking the chance of bringing children any place, into any part of the building, until I know it is safe.”



Apr 11, 2015
This is huge news here on the west coast. Been following it since it started.

Terrorists targeting and threatening our kids now ? This some bullshyt.


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
seriously, what the hell is going on here on earth? Terrorism is a new wave or some shyt. is too much media coverage of terrorism sparking copy cats?

It's always been terrorism, history can show you how barbaric we as a species have been and can become. I think it's just so in our face because the news knows how to pull our strings. terrorism been happening in the 90's and 2000's, just recently the news began reporting on it damn near every day.

Africa has been seeing terrorism for the last 30+ years in various countries. the Middle east is no stranger to it, either is Ireland


Nov 26, 2015