“We have children… so you couldn’t have a conversation about being a deadbeat dodging CS payments with the old co-hosts”
Anybody got some links to some recent free pateron links?
Hes not mad cause he dont gotta pay child support anymoreYou can tell Joe got bags because he's not fuming. Hopefully, he got something lined up besides music
Let me goCan anyone tell me what patron episode dontcallmewhitegirl was on?
“We have children… so you couldn’t have a conversation about being a deadbeat dodging CS payments with the old co-hosts”
Didn’t ICE just have his first child also?
Wasn’t Rory in a long term relationship that Joe kept making comments about?
Is Rory having a baby or was that just internet babble?
Also when you say Ice just had his first child I thought his child was about 3-4 years old. Not sure why I thought that