Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
This ancient hatred, that definitely wasn't a consequence of Zionism and the oppression of Palestinians, as proven by this article where it is described as a response to Zionism and the demand for Palestine to be free.

Ahistorical, he says. :mjlol:
I’m talking about hatred today you moron. The children and grand children of Jews ethnically cleansed out of the Middle East are the soldiers in the IDF today. Btw good job justifying the mass rape and murder of Iraqi Jews who had nothing to do with Zionism. With high IQ soldiers like you no wonder your Hamas brothers are losing so badly.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
This ancient hatred, that definitely wasn't a consequence of Zionism and the oppression of Palestinians, as proven by this article where it is described as a response to Zionism and the demand for Palestine to be free.

Ahistorical, he says. :mjlol:

This guy @Toussaint always popping up in here with a wordy post full of bullshyt. He'll argue anything. He'll say whatever if it makes him feel like he's winning. If you tell him Palestinians say the sky is blue he'll send you an article from the 1970s where an Israeli described the sky as azure, then smile smugly to himself.
He reads History but doesn’t seem To understand it. It’s bizarre.


The Sauce Apostle
Jun 15, 2022
I’m talking about hatred today you moron. The children and grand children of Jews ethnically cleansed out of the Middle East are the soldiers in the IDF today. Btw good job justifying the mass rape and murder of Iraqi Jews who had nothing to do with Zionism. With high IQ soldiers like you no wonder your Hamas brothers are losing so badly.
Let's check in with an Iraqi-Jewish Historian and see what he thinks about the expulsion of Jews from other parts of the ME.

Interesting stuff. Let's see what else he has to say.
Shlaim states in the book that Iraqi Jews did not face antisemitism until the 1940s, when they were suspected of being complicit in the British invasion of Iraq in 1941 and in the Nakba.
He adds that the Zionist project led to Jews from all across Arab countries going from respected fellow citizens to akin to a fifth column allied with the new Jewish state.
Shlaim discusses how Jews, like himself, who originated from the region faced discrimination from Ashkenazi Jews, who came from Europe.
Mizrahi Israelis remain among some of the poorest communities in Israel, living in developing towns and underprivileged neighbourhoods.

Oh boy. Sure sounds like Zionism causes a lot of the issues in the middle east, for Jews and Arabs alike. Better to ignore the Zionism and blame anti-genocide protesters about it, I guess.

Btw who do you think makes up the members of Hamas? Hell, all the Palestinians. Ever consider their generational trauma?:jbhmm:

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Let's check in with an Iraqi-Jewish Historian and see what he thinks about the expulsion of Jews from other parts of the ME.

“You can’t justify the mass rape and murder of innocent civilians because of Zionism”

Proceeds to justify the mass rape and murder of innocent civilians because of Zionism” Gotdamn :mjlol:

You are an exceptionally low IQ individual. “anti-fifth columnist” operations have been used to appropriate property and commit ethnic cleansing against vulnerable minorities.


Ally with Nazi’s brehs.

Polish Jewish child “Mr. German, why do you have to be shot and thrown in a ditch?”

German “Well you see you might be a fifth columnist and of course the Danzig corridor”


Interesting stuff. Let's see what else he has to say.

Oh boy. Sure sounds like Zionism causes a lot of the issues in the middle east, for Jews and Arabs alike. Better to ignore the Zionism and blame anti-genocide protesters about it, I guess.
Yeah Mossad and Zionism did this.

Btw who do you think makes up the members of Hamas? Hell, all the Palestinians. Ever consider their generational trauma?:jbhmm:

I literally posted a Jewish professor that spoke on the cyclical nature of violence. Pay attention.


The Sauce Apostle
Jun 15, 2022
You think Joe Biden or some Europeanizes America educated Jew is teaching Israelis how to hate Arabs? That these feelings just. Some about because the British wanted a small colonial outpost in the middle of nowhere? :mjlol:
Yeah Mossad and Zionism did this.
Also invoking racial struggle when Israel is majority ethnically Arab is quite a take. You realize that the majority of Israelis are Arabs who were ethnically cleansed out of North Africa, Iran and the Levant. And genetically they are nearly identical to other levant peoples? This isn’t a racial struggle, this is generational hatred.
Well clearly these are the words of someone who has a firm grasp on the situation.

Yeah, I guess we've all been wrong about Zionism. Glad you were here to clear that up with your lengthy posts full of bullshyt and contradictory sources. It's that damn generational hatred. If only we didn't have these scary Arabs with their ancient hate and innate violence, or these anti-genocide leftists (who are also somehow right wing extremists) and their spooky social engineering, Zionists could just take the land in peace.
What an infantile understanding of the world hidden behind meaningless verbosity.
You said it, brother. :salute:

Have a good one, friend.
Sep 15, 2015
Ally with Italian fascists in hopes of establishing Israel as a satellite state of the Axis powers.

In mid-1940, Stern became convinced that the Italians were interested in the establishment of a fascist Jewish state in Palestine. He conducted negotiations, he thought, with the Italians via an intermediary Moshe Rotstein, and drew up a document that became known as the "Jerusalem Agreement". In exchange for Italy's recognition of, and aid in obtaining, Jewish sovereignty over Palestine, Stern promised that Zionism would come under the aegis of Italian fascism, with Haifa as its base, and the Old City of Jerusalem under Vatican control, except for the Jewish quarter. In Heller's words, Stern's proposal would "turn the 'Kingdom of Israel' into a satellite of the Axis powers."

Try to ally with Nazis for the same reason.

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany. The organization offered cooperation in the following terms: Lehi would rebel against the British, while Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers.

Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig. The Lehi documents outlined that its rule would be authoritarian and indicated similarities between the organization and Nazis. Israel Eldad, one of the leading members of Lehi, wrote about Hitler "it is not Hitler who is the hater of the kingdom of Israel and the return to Zion, it is not Hitler who subjects us to the cruel fate of falling a second and a third time into Hitler's hands, but the British."

Stern also proposed recruiting 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine with German support to oust the British. On 11 January 1941, Vice Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz, the German naval attaché in Turkey, filed a report (the "Ankara document") conveying an offer by Lehi to "actively take part in the war on Germany's side" in return for German support for "the establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich."

According to Joseph Heller, "The memorandum arising from their conversation is an entirely authentic document, on which the stamp of the 'IZL in Israel' is clearly embossed." Von der Marwitz delivered the offer, classified as secret, to the German Ambassador in Turkey and on 21 January 1941 it was sent to Berlin. There was never any response. A second attempt to contact the Nazis was made at the end of 1941, but it was even less successful. The emissary Yellin-Mor was arrested in Syria before he could carry out his mission.

This proposed alliance with Nazi Germany cost Lehi and Stern much support. The Stern Gang also had links with, and support from, the Vichy France Sûreté's Lebanese offices. Even as the full scale of Nazi atrocities became more evident in 1943, Lehi refused to accept Hitler as the main foe (as opposed to Great Britain).

These are the ideologies fueling Zionism. We also shouldn't forget that many of the members from this terrorist organization went on to make up a sizeable amount of Israel's military. Several served in the Knesset, and one of its leaders, Yitzhak Shamir, went on to become Prime Minister of Israel.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Well clearly these are the words of someone who has a firm grasp on the situation.

Yeah, I guess we've all been wrong about Zionism. Glad you were here to clear that up with your lengthy posts full of bullshyt and contradictory sources. It's that damn generational hatred. If only we didn't have these scary Arabs with their ancient hate and innate violence, or these anti-genocide leftists (who are also somehow right wing extremists) and their spooky social engineering, Zionists could just take the land in peace.

You said it, brother. :salute:

Have a good one, friend.

“We had to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians during the Nakba! The Arabs were attacking our ancestral Jewish lands and the women and children were fifth columnists!”


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
This is it right here. The Warlord would be a better President on all other issues, but I just can’t give him my vote. I can’t with a clear conscience cast my vote for someone who continues to commit crimes against humanity with apparent relish. It’s not a political question, it’s a moral one.

I'm kind of feeling the same way.
At the same time...not trying to give Cheeto even more Supreme Court picks that will be there for 30 years. Not sure what the right thing to do is :francis:

And I'm in a swing state. I guess it comes down to how I'm feeling on election day.


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
So Ethiopian Jews who are Zionist are white supremacist?

Nah.. Zionism is a beef between Jews and Arabs. I think that Zionism is a racist ideology but you don’t need to rope black people into it and say it involves them by default to garner support.
They are repeating white supremacist talking points. You know, how Candace Owens does, a full Black woman.