Rest In Power Kobe
This is what it comes down too. They believe in the America First Project but wish the orange turd didn’t say it out loud.America First ideology
This is what it comes down too. They believe in the America First Project but wish the orange turd didn’t say it out loud.America First ideology
I did not vote for Trump, I was just aware of the breadth and depth of the American imperial project before he took office, and that his 2016 opponent was one of the foremost proponents of it. So unlike you, I didn't need that pustule to wake me up to what should clearly be evident to you by now; the fact that America has been a cancer on global society long before he arrived on the scene, and as we're all witnessing, he doesn't need to be in office for that American imperialist cancer to continue metastasizing. You can't even take an honest look at his resume and say his time in office represented a great acceleration of the American global cancer.
Ultimately, the reason you are so vexed is that I believe in the principle that a Palestinian life is of equal value to an American or Israeli life. That a black and brown life is of equal value to a white life. It's a very simple proposition that is often given universal lip service but much less frequently applied. So whereas I actually follow through and apply this principle in all contexts, you currently lack the moral fortitude to do so, which ends up driving you in the opposite direction and down the path of concocting nonsense conspiracies about hidden agendas and patently ridiculous claims of moral grandstanding, all in the service of soothing your cognitive dissonance of claiming to believe that all lives have equal value while desperately clutching to this country's blood-soaked flag for safety and security of your identity. We were all raised in this abusive home, but you must liberate your mind and spirit to break free, and you cannot do that while still drunk off the teat of the America First ideology.
I gotcha. Your hidden agenda is to end the American hegemony. You thought that voting for Trump would accelerate that goal.I did not vote for Trump, I was just aware of the breadth and depth of the American imperial project before he took office, and that his 2016 opponent was one of the foremost proponents of it. So unlike you, I didn't need that pustule to wake me up to what should clearly be evident to you by now; the fact that America has been a cancer on global society long before he arrived on the scene, and as we're all witnessing, he doesn't need to be in office for that American imperialist cancer to continue metastasizing. You can't even take an honest look at his resume and say his time in office represented a great acceleration of the American global cancer.
Ultimately, the reason you are so vexed is that I believe in the principle that a Palestinian life is of equal value to an American or Israeli life. That a black and brown life is of equal value to a white life. It's a very simple proposition that is often given universal lip service but much less frequently applied. So whereas I actually follow through and apply this principle in all contexts, you currently lack the moral fortitude to do so, which ends up driving you in the opposite direction and down the path of concocting nonsense conspiracies about hidden agendas and patently ridiculous claims of moral grandstanding, all in the service of soothing your cognitive dissonance of claiming to believe that all lives have equal value while desperately clutching to this country's blood-soaked flag for safety and security of your identity. We were all raised in this abusive home, but you must liberate your mind and spirit to break free, and you cannot do that while still drunk off the teat of the America First ideology.
If Trump wins, minorities lose. No amount of mental masturbation can change the fact.[Redacted]
It’s not enough for black Americans to prioritize their own self interests.Ahh the white supremacist is in here now race baiting and carrying the banner for Trump
Might be time again to pull the uno reverse card and blame Israel for Hamas
See, this is why Trump is so valuable to Liberals. He provides an endless hypothetical counterweight that permits y'all to commit and support whatever horrible action that was previously being held in check by whatever scintilla of shame you previously had. Like, there is now nothing Joe Biden could do that would warrant his correction, punishment or comeuppance. Biden could announce tomorrow that he has authorized direct strikes against what remains of Gaza's civilian population and supports West Bank annexation and your response would be "...if you care about the Palestinians that Biden is about to incinerate then you have to support Biden doing it because Trump would also do it but also be worse somehow."
Trump is a permanent get-out-of-moral-jail-free card to Liberals.
Joe Biden is an anti-black white supremacist and a Zionist.I gotcha. Your hidden agenda is to end the American hegemony. You thought that voting for Trump would accelerate that goal.
My ancestors helped build this country through slavery, they also survived Jim Crow with the conscious or unconscious idea that future generations would be able to reap the benefits of surviving oppression. Every succeeding generation of black Americans have been able to get closer to parity in the most wealthy country in the world and I’ll be damned if I flirt with the idea of voting in a way that’ll help get a white supremacist back in the White House who would want nothing more but to make minorities and black people specifically second class citizens.
To address your pathetic apologia of Trump, he took us out of the Iran nuclear deal, he moved the US embassy, he assassinated an Iranian general, all things that helped accelerate to where we are today.
Get off TikTok.Joe Biden is an anti-black white supremacist and a Zionist.
Black people are already second class citizens. Thats why your whole argument is about what you’re voting against and not what you’re voting for.
Zionism is an inherently racist, supremacist concept that shares kinship with the same ideologies that view us as inferior. Its anti-Blackness is evident in its choice of allies, which range from far-right white supremacist extremists across Europe and in this country, to even Nazis.Get off TikTok.
You’re just saying shyt just to say it. Zionism has nothing to do with being anti black
To me personally supporting Joe Biden is a moral crime. There are just too many morally depraved statements he's made and too many dead children he's piled in that voting booth for a "well the other guy would probably be worse!" routine to pass muster for me. And I don't see any rational argument for why voting for Trump would make anything better, and I can think of ways in which we would make things worse. So those are really the only two off-the-table options in my personal opinion.So what would you advocate doing in November? Voting for Cornell West? Trump? Staying home? I'm curious.
But I agree, Biden is a war criminal and I wish he wasn't running again.
So Ethiopian Jews who are Zionist are white supremacist?Zionism is an inherently racist, supremacist concept that shares kinship with the same ideologies that view us as inferior. Its anti-Blackness is evident in its choice of allies, which range from far-right white supremacist extremists across Europe and in this country, to even Nazis.
Who needs republicans when you have Europeans working OT to get him elected on their behalf with the half ass excuse or “hypotheticals” (after they’ve been not so subtly shouting their plans with a bullhorn)Ahh the white supremacist is in here now race baiting and carrying the banner for Trump