Mister Terrific
It’s in the name
States exist because they have the military/economic power to exist. There isn’t a button you push because a state committed X amount of crimes where a state magically ceases to be. Furthermore in the modern age states being destroyed rarely occurs. Even states that have almost no allies, surrounded by enemies, poor defenses and little economic power are allowed to maintain as it sets a bad precident. See Armenia.lol that’s not a genocidal fantasy. That’s a just solution to an unjust problem. If they want to go further down the rabbit hole of rogue state behavior then more power to them but the state of Israel shouldn’t exist in any way shape or form.
However in Israel’s case they have numerous allies, are a key trading partner for most of the wealthiest nations in the world, perhaps the wealthiest diaspora in the world, hi-tech industries that are seen as valuably in the global market, an ideologically motivated populace and military dominance in the region. Oh and of course Nukes.
I don’t know how many times it had to be demonstrated in history but might in fact does make right.
Should Jews be allowed to live there? Of course. As long as they aren’t Zionist dikkheads then cool. But they should be living in a fully free and sovereign Palestine rather than being accessories to genocide because their own traumas from genocide are being weaponized to convince them that they are allow to do the horrible things they do.
Yes I’m sure the millions of Arab Jews and Arab Christians in Israel who fled North Africa, Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Syria would be quite comfortable under Muslim Arab rule again.