Box Factory

May 14, 2014
Hamas would not agree to ending hostilities.

Beggars can’t be choosers.

Have a nice day


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Have a nice day

Do they not have internet where you are?

Hamas rejected a deal like 4 days ago.

@Box Factory

Hamas said to reject Israeli offer of two-month pause in war for release of hostages
Egyptian officials tells AP the terror group’s leaders won’t accept exile from the Strip and want the IDF to withdraw completely; Israeli officials do not confirm the report

By Lazar Berman
and ToI Staff
Yahya Sinwar, head of Hamas in Gaza, greets his supporters upon his arrival at a meeting in a hall on the sea side of Gaza City, on April 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Adel Hana, File)
Hamas has rejected Israel’s proposal for a two-month ceasefire during which the terror group would release Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian security prisoners, said a senior Egyptian official :francis:on Tuesday, speaking to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

The official said that Hamas leaders have also refused to leave Gaza and are demanding that Israel fully withdraw from the territory and allow Palestinians to return to their homes.

Israel did not confirm the report. Channel 12 news quoted unnamed Israeli officials saying on Tuesday evening that Israel has not been informed of Hamas rejecting the offer.

Under Israel’s proposal, Yahya Sinwar and other top Hamas leaders in Gaza would be allowed to relocate to other countries.

Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majed Al Ansari struck an optimistic tone about mediation efforts during a press briefing Tuesday, saying, “We are engaging in serious discussions with both sides. We have presented ideas to both sides. We are getting a constant stream of replies from both sides and that in its own right is a cause for optimism.”

The Axios news site reported on Monday that Israel had submitted a proposal through Qatari and Egyptian mediators that would see it agree to pause its military offensive in exchange for a phased release of the remaining 136 hostages in Gaza.

The proposal does not heed Hamas’s demand for Israel to end the war completely, but does appear to go further than Israel has gone in previous offers, two Israeli officials were cited as saying.

The offer was publicized as White House Middle East czar Brett McGurk was in the region for meetings with Egyptian and Qatari counterparts aimed at advancing a hostage deal, a US official told The Times of Israel.

The Israeli proposal would see the remaining children, women, men over the age of 60 and critically ill hostages released during the first stage. Subsequent stages would see the release of female soldiers and men under the age of 60 who are not soldiers, followed by male soldiers and the bodies of hostages.

Under the proposal, Israel and Hamas would agree in advance as to how many security prisoners would be released by Jerusalem in each stage, before holding separate negotiations on the names of the convicts.

Troops operating in the Gaza Strip in an undated photo released on January 23, 2024 (Israel Defense Forces)
The offer would also include a withdrawal of Israeli forces from the main population centers in the Gaza Strip and the gradual return of Palestinians to the enclave’s north, from which they were ordered to evacuate.

The offer stipulated that Israel will not agree to end the war completely, nor release all 6,000 Palestinian security prisoners, but Israeli officials told Axios that they were willing to release a significant number.

If implemented, IDF operations in Gaza would be significantly smaller in scope after the pause concludes, Axios reported.

The offer is relatively similar to ones that have reportedly been proffered since a seven-day truce ended nearly two months ago. Hamas has insisted that it will not agree to release any hostages unless the fighting in Gaza ceases for good — a nonstarter for Israel, as it would leave those who orchestrated the October 7 massacre in power, and with parts of the Hamas war machine intact.

The report followed a meeting Monday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held with the families of hostages. He told them that “contrary to what has been said, there is no real Hamas proposal,” according to a statement released by his office.

“I tell you this as clearly as I can, because there are so many untrue [claims] that must be torturing you,” the statement quoted Netanyahu as saying.

“On the other hand, we have an [Israel] initiative, and I will not elaborate,” Netanyahu added.

Channel 12 later published a recording from the meeting, in which Netanyahu could be heard saying: “There is a proposal of mine, which I also passed in the war cabinet. We conveyed it and now there is, as they say, a tug of war.

“I can’t elaborate here, but our proposal is something we have passed on to the mediators.”

Netanyahu was reportedly asked during the meeting why Israel could not simply agree to end the war in order to secure the release of the remaining hostages and then restart the fighting once the abductees have been returned.

The premier responded by explaining that such a deal would require Israel to provide assurances to the American, Egyptian, and Qatari mediators that it would not be able to turn around and violate the terms right after the hostages have been released, according to Channel 12.

Netanyahu’s non-specific mention of an Israeli diplomatic initiative came amid growing international pressure on Israel to end the fighting, as well as an intensifying internal debate over whether continued fighting can secure the return of the remaining hostages, at least 28 of whom are known to have been killed.

On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal reported that the United States, Egypt, and Qatar are pushing Israel and Hamas to accept a comprehensive plan that would end the war, free the hostages, and ultimately lead to full normalization for Israel with its neighbors in return for a path to Palestinian statehood.

Netanyahu responded in a video statement, refusing outright to “the end of the war, the exit of our forces from Gaza, releasing all the murderers and rapists of the Nukhba [forces] and leaving Hamas intact.” These, the prime minister said, were the Palestinian terror organization’s demands.

Two hundred and fifty-three people of all ages were abducted by Hamas on October 7, when 3,000 terrorists invaded Israel from the Gaza Strip, killing nearly 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and committing numerous atrocities, including weaponizing sexual violence on a mass scale. In late November, 105 hostages were released during a weeklong “humanitarian ceasefire” mediated by the US and Qatar, but talks of a further deal have languished since that truce collapsed.


The Sauce Apostle
Jun 15, 2022
"I knew that Israel's response would be disproportionate. Everyone else thought that Israel would just do nothing, but I was somehow able to predict the future. Are you guys impressed? Please be impressed. I am a living prophet"


"Wow, impressive. Out here moving like old Biff with the sports almanac. So good. Top tier posting."


What is with this "prediction" act you Zionists keep going back to? It's so fukking weird.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

"I knew that Israel's response would be disproportionate. Everyone else thought that Israel would just do nothing, but I was somehow able to predict the future. Are you guys impressed? Please be impressed. I am a living prophet"


"Wow, impressive. Out here moving like old Biff with the sports almanac. So good. Top tier posting."


What is with this "prediction" act you Zionists keep going back to? It's so fukking weird.

For the same reason you were condoning Hamas’ October 7th actions. These posts were still 2 weeks after October 7th when you were still riding high on the hopes Israel would fail and be subject to more Hamas attacks under the guise of a Neo-liberation movement.

Heres some examples:

Heart breaking. It's crazy to see that a 19 year old Hamas survivor has more emotional maturity when it comes to Gaza than those in here celebrating and promoting the bloodlust the Israeli government has for Palestinians. How the fukk are so many people aware of the way people in Gaza have been living for decades hearing the statements from Israeli government officials, and watching the massacre of fleeing Palestinians civilians and still supporting Israel's response?? "Yeah but they been taking Ls, so now they just have to die." What?? You guys are fukking insane.

I have been so completely disgusted with the news that has been coming out of Gaza. Anyone in person I try to discuss this with has this weird attitude like "Yeah, these people have been killing each other for years, what's new." I have been sick to my stomach for days. The world is rotten.

Do you really not have enough self awareness to see how much of a fukking sociopath you sound like talking like this? What's gained? The fukking end of the oppression of the Palestinian people by Israel. :what:

Is empathy really so foreign for you? Why would you need a personal benefit to come from being against apartheid and ethnic cleansing? The fukk is wrong with you? The shyt is only over when every Palestinian is dead or Israel ends it's occupation, and a peaceful resolution is found. Demanding people roll over and die, or accept living with a boot on their neck is fukking insane. Stop trying to spark bad faith conversations with your braindead, sociopathic, zionist takes. Take the L and keep it moving.

Every deal that was offered had different reasons why one side or the other didn't agree, or why negotiations didn't continue. At this point, A deal not being reached does not justify the oppression they've faced at the hands of Israel (nor does it justify resistance in the form of terrorism on civilians by Hamas). We all know the situation is untenable, and that Israel holds all of the power, and are the oppressive force. It is not unreasonable that they are being pressured as the ones who need to be the force for change in order to find a resolution. "Holding this L" is not an option for the people in Gaza.

They don't really have any options with Israel refusing to go to the negotiating table again. That was my whole point when I said this:

Asking what we think Palestinians should do is unfair, because they are the ones who are under the oppression of Israel. Illegal settlements are still popping up, peaceful protests are met with extreme violence, and the ability for Palestinians (Gaza and the West Bank) to govern themselves has purposefully been fractured and disrupted by Israel. They're expected to tolerate living in this situation, while simultaneously finding a humane political solution for a situation they have no leverage over, and without the backing of the international community, thanks to the US. Hamas is not helping things, but they are an obvious result of forcing a large amount of people into a pressure cooker in the name of forming an ethnostate. Even if every last member of Hamas has been killed, another group will just take it's place. It's not Palestine's responsibility to be the perfect victims.

The question should be what should we as Americans be pressuring our politicians to do. The entire world is watching, even more so now than in previous conflicts between the two, and with this many eyes on the situation there is a lot of pressure that can be utilized here. Speaking out in support of Gazans and Palestinians is more important now than ever. There may not be much longer left for people to stand up for them.

I never specified Gazans. I've been speaking about Palestinians as a whole. You can't ignore the West Bank when we're talking about Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. What's unserious is you refusing to take a stance on whether the US should be allowing Israel to take our aid while they commit war crimes. What's unserious is you trying to pretend like this conflict can only be discussed in regards to the events following October 7th.

Hamas has been trying to negotiate with Israel over the hostages and Israel is the one who is refusing.

Even if they can't get Hamas out, Israel still needs to be willing to negotiate with them.

We get it fam. Israel can only fix this if no civilians dies, the state of Israel disappears, and “Palestinians” become the rightful and complete heirs of the territory between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River.

MIND YOU…I’m an atheist. I don’t follow any religion and I’m not a fan of even ethnostates, but you seem to be in favor of a group that rejects deals, would become ANOTHER 🙄 muslim state :snoop:, and would ignore any perceived threats jews claim to have from their inception of being suspicious of their neighbors.

You’re making me defend Israel, a country I’ve made NUMEROUS threads in the weeks before Oct 7th about as spying on Americans, having a role in Trump’s election, and validating right wing movements around the world and during history...

…but you don’t know this cause you don’t read the threads I’ve made on this.

But on THIS issue, you’re wrong about the Palestinian legitimacy of their issue and despite the disgusting brutality of Israel, their options are even fewer now and they have even less leverage than they did 3 months ago.

Smarten up my nikka. You’re outta runway.

@voiture @Creflo ½ Dollar @invalid @Pressure @wire28 @ADevilYouKhow @88m3 @MeachTheMonster @Wargames @Tair @Da_Eggman


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
So give up the hostages. Like what’s the critique here? Israel shouldn’t exist in your opinion. We know your opinion. We get why you post stuff like this.

So why won’t Hamas just release the rest of the hostages ?
The critique here is that Netanyahu and his coalition are basically calling out the protestors as some fifth column.

Anyone that diverts from their endless war is Hamas.

And I’ve never said Israel shouldn’t exist. Stop lying.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The critique here is that Netanyahu and his coalition are basically calling out the protestors as some fifth column.
Speaking of opportunists like Netanyahu boosting his domestic profile protestors, isn’t that what the Houthi’s are doing? :sas1:
Anyone that diverts from their endless war is Hamas.
Hamas won’t even accept the terms of their defeat.

The war continues.
And I’ve never said Israel shouldn’t exist. Stop lying.

No racist calls themselves a racist. :sas2:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
It's the same cycle over and over and over and over again. They refuse any deal on the table. Even the Arab states were moving on...which is why Iran pulled this move with Hamas. Watch the pro Hamas mods ban us from this thread for daring to go against the Hamas propaganda.
You're recycling the same lies as the animal you're quoting. And those were addressed months ago by better people.

I Advised the Palestinian Negotiating Team.

It Was a Mistake to Have Negotiated With Israel at All.

Buoyed by the Oslo Accords, I moved to the West Bank as a legal adviser to the PLO team. I was wrong. 25 years since that iconic Arafat-Rabin handshake, it's clear talks are futile - and Palestinians are no closer to freedom


42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
How convenient that UNRWA funding is halted by western powers right after the ICJ put provisional measures?
UNRWA employees being on payroll is an international level fukk up and worth its own independent investigation at this point unfortunately. people can call it 'punishment' and try to tie to the trial's outcome, but irresponsibility on that front means that organization loses its immediately recognizable and validated humanitarian neutrality all over the world - not just in gaza

and this started weeks ago when it was just one off freelance reporters riding shotgun on Oct 7th, there was always going to be a larger spotlight on that front

people have already been fired too. sprinkling AKs in hospitals like clowns is one thing, but that's very different from laying financial support bare as it doesn't only illuminate disbursement to folks on the ground but it raises flags for all supporters and contributors as well. its a bad, bad look to even allow the perception of such a thing.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
How convenient that UNRWA funding is halted by western powers right after the ICJ put provisional measures?

Why cry about law fare? :gucci: Wasn’t this the entire plan…:gucci: go to the ICJ then get Israel to “stop?” …but that didn’t work cause the ICJ didn’t call for a “cease fire”.

If the news came out before, now,, or later, you’d still make the “connection” 🙄 that its a retaliatory move and not a revelation of fact: :ufdup:

DId 12 UNRWA employees participate in the Hamas attacks? :jbhmm:

U.N. to Investigate Claim That Employees Participated in Oct. 7 Attack
The United States temporarily cut off funding to UNRWA, the agency that aids Palestinians, citing allegations that 12 of its workers were involved in the Hamas-led assault on southern Israel.

Jan. 26, 2024
Men in a fenced compound, some wearing blue U.N. vests, stand around carts, one of which has sacks of flour on it.
Palestinians receiving bags of flour at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) distribution center in Rafah in November.Said Khatib/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The United Nations on Friday fired 12 of its employees in Gaza and began an investigation into them after accusations by Israel that they had helped plan and had participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist assault that left about 1,200 Israelis dead and more than 240 others captured.

The workers, all men employed by the U.N. agency that aids Palestinians, known by the acronym UNRWA, are subject to a criminal investigation, two U.N. officials said.

“UNRWA reiterates its condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the abhorrent attacks,” said Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the agency. “Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.”

In addition, a senior U.N. official, briefed on the accusations, called the allegations “extremely serious and horrific.”

UNRWA has long denied Israel’s claims that it fuels anti-Israeli incitement in Gaza. But it took a sharply different approach to the more serious accusations on Friday, just days after Israel presented them to the agency.

The accusations quickly led the United States to temporarily halt funding to the organization. UNRWA, which provides social services in the Gaza Strip, has been the principal agency overseeing the distribution of aid to Gazans amid a dire humanitarian crisis in the territory that has worsened through months of war since the Oct. 7 attack.

“The United States is extremely troubled by the allegations that 12 UNRWA employees may have been involved in the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel,” the State Department said in a statement.

The United States is the biggest donor to the agency, providing it with $340 million in 2022 and several hundred million dollars in 2023.

Three Israeli defense officials said military intelligence officers have collected an enormous trove of information after Oct. 7, and in the past two weeks they matched it with a second cache of intelligence that solidified an assessment that the UNRWA employees had been involved in the attack.

UNRWA was created to provide aid to millions of Palestinians across the Middle East whose families fled or were forced from properties during the wars surrounding Israel’s creation in 1948. Since Hamas won Palestinian elections in 2006 and then ousted a rival faction from Gaza a year later, the group, which is considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States and other countries, ceded many of its civil responsibilities to UNRWA.

The agency employed about 13,000 workers, most of them Palestinians, before the war began.

Israel and the U.N. have each accused each other of acting in bad faith since Israel launched its war in Gaza following the Oct. 7 Hamas-led assault. The U.N. has accused Israel of slowing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the embattled enclave, and Israel has said the world body has promoted Hamas’s propaganda.

Those recriminations, however, are less politically sensitive than the accusation that humanitarian workers could have engaged in an act of terror, an allegation being taken seriously by the U.N. leadership, the United States and the European Union.

On Oct. 7, Hamas-led assailants raided towns in southern Israel, where they killed, tortured and raped victims. More than 240 people, among them children and old people, were abducted to Gaza as hostages.

Last year, the United Nations General Assembly passed a nonbinding resolution calling on Israel to cease its war in Gaza, and on Friday, the International Court of Justice, the U.N.’s highest judicial body, said Israel must take action to prevent acts of genocide by its forces.

Israel has previously accused UNRWA teachers of telling students in its schools to hate Israel, and it has accused UNRWA employees of collaborating with Hamas. The Trump administration suspended funding to the agency in 2018, but President Biden restored it.

Israeli officials informed the U.N. and the United States earlier this week, according to State Department and U.N. officials.

In recent weeks, Israel has presented new evidence that it says shows UNRWA's animus toward Israel. Among the recent allegations made by the Israeli military were copies of letters from Hamas’s military wing to the Gaza education ministry asking that teachers be excused from work so they could participate in military training sessions.

The U.S. secretary of state, Antony J. Blinken, spoke on Thursday with the U.N. secretary general, António Guterres, and called for “a thorough and swift investigation,” the State Department said. The department also said it was asking Israel, which initially made the allegation, for more information, and added that “UNRWA plays a critical role in providing lifesaving assistance to Palestinians, including essential food, medicine, shelter, and other vital humanitarian support.”

David Satterfield, the U.S. special envoy for humanitarian affairs, led a group of U.S. officials who met with Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva of Israel, who showed them the full briefing materials, according to one official who attended the session.

U.N. leaders have repeatedly urged Israel to do more to limit the harm to civilians, and to aid workers, in the conflict. More than 100 U.N. employees have been killed since the start of the war, the most the world body has suffered in a single conflict.

U.N. officials have also warned in stark terms that ordinary residents of Gaza are at risk of starvation and are experiencing a spike in infectious diseases as the weather gets colder.

Josep Borrell Fontelles, the E.U.’s top diplomat and vice president of the European Commission, said he was “extremely concerned” about the allegation that U.N. employees had been involved in the terrorist attacks. He said the commission was in contact with UNRWA and expected it to take immediate measures against the staff involved.

Additional reporting was contributed by Gaya Gupta and Adam Sella.

A correction was made on
Jan. 26, 2024:
Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article misattributed a quote to the U.S. secretary of state, Antony J. Blinken. It was Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the U.N. agency that administers aid to Palestinians, not Mr. Blinken, who said: “These shocking allegations come as more than 2 million people in Gaza depend on lifesaving assistance that the Agency has been providing since the war began. Anyone who betrays the fundamental values of the United Nations also betrays those whom we serve in Gaza, across the region and elsewhere around the world.”

@voiture @Creflo ½ Dollar @invalid @Pressure @wire28 @ADevilYouKhow @88m3 @MeachTheMonster @Wargames @Tair @Da_Eggman


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

It’s January 27th. If you asked Yahya Sinwar would he still support The October 7th operation in retrospect, what would he say?