Man..i was just kidding
they just reported from Gaza that they literally just shot off 4 more rockets

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Man..i was just kidding
they just reported from Gaza that they literally just shot off 4 more rockets
Hamas uses human shields. That is a fact. Not sure what is so outrageous about pointing that out.
LOL. I do not accept that "legitimate criticism of Israel is rarely seen". Are you out of your mind? Legitimate criticism of Israel is everywhere. I can't speak to this thread because I'm not going to go back and read 20 pages, but in general this premise is seriously flawed and self-serving. Just as an exercise in intellectual honesty, perhaps you could describe to me some examples of criticism of Israel you regard as legitimate? There is no obligation for you to do this, of course, but it might go some way to showing that you argue in good faith...
Legitimate criticism of Israel may include any of the following:
- Israel turning off electricity for Gazans (before the disenagement from Gaza)
- Israel is not adequately protecting its citizens
- Israel releases terrorists from prison in exchange for nothing
- Israel does not call out Mahmoud Abbas for funding terrorism, and supporting it.
- Criticism of Israel's blockade (earlier blockade, not the one it has now).
The “Understanding Regarding Ceasefire in Gaza Strip” runs only one page and, even counting headings, just 24 lines. But it’s what flickered between those lines that appears to account for the vastly different demeanors of the enemies agreeing to it.
Both Israel and Hamas vowed to stop the shooting that has gone on in and around Gaza for eight days, leaving more than 160 people dead — mostly Palestinians, five of them Israelis. Yet a somber air clung to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he announced the cessation of hostilities from Jerusalem. In contrast, while facing the cameras in Cairo, Hamas chairman Khaled Meshaal was almost as animated as the streets of Gaza City, which were ecstatic with the sound of celebratory gunfire.
The Palestinians may have something to celebrate. Beyond the actual cessation of hostilities, the ceasefire deal makes a promise: to “improve conditions for the people in the Gaza Strip,” as Hillary Clinton said in announcing the understanding. The text itself speaks of “opening the crossings and facilitating the transfer of goods, and refraining from restricting residents’ free movement.” In what is sometimes called the world’s largest prison, that sounds like a significant change — one for which Hamas will take full credit if it comes true.
“The blockade can be lifted off Gaza,” Meshaal proclaimed. The statement carried a hopeful lilt, but to judge by the sound of the Israeli officials appearing on satellite news channels through the evening, it suggested “can” may well become “will.” For at least five years, Israel’ navy has barred ships from approaching Gaza’s coast, a blockade that, when combined with Israel’s former draconian restrictions on foodstuffs allowed into the enclave by land, inspired pro-Palestinian activists to try to challenge the Israelis at sea. Israel’s navy invariably stopped the flotillas – in the most famous case, killing six Turks in May 2010 while boarding the Mavi Marmara in the “flotilla fiasco.” Once captured, the vessels were always diverted to an Israeli port.
Read more: Who Won in Gaza? Body Language and the Cease-Fire |
I don't accept that any serious person is saying "Israel masturbates to Palestinian corpses" etc. Why can't you see that your attempt to paint your critics in these terms is utterly transparent and does nothing for your cause?
Hilarious that of your 5 "legitimate criticisms", 3 have to do with Israel being too soft. Is that the best you could come up with? You're not doing a very good job of seeing the other side, are you?
For myself, I absolutely understand and empathise with the frustration and anger of Israeli civilians at the persistent rocket attacks. I just believe that this is a situation entirely of the Israeli state's own making. It turns out that a people such as the population of Gaza is not infinitely compressible. If you squash them down, deny them freedom to come and go, blockade their goods - they will hate you. And they will try to strike back with whatever crude and desperate means they have available. And then, of course, this is used as a pretext to crush them down even more...The Israeli reaction to the election of Hamas is an example of this dynamic. Israel being so hated by Gazans that they voted into power a group of people whose main political platform is the destruction of Israel did not seem to provoke much soul-searching in the Israeli state. No, it just inspired them to worsen the material conditions of Gazan civilians in an act of vindictive and petulant collective punishment. Is this the response of an intelligent and mature state interested in peace?