Can I bet some coli-cash on Israel? 

Hamas is disgusting. How can anyone who loves their mother, brother, sister, children support Hamas, who specializes in killing people's mothers, brothers, sisters and children? Hopefully the wolves will get em this time and we don't bail then out.
When Israel destroys I dont want to hear shyt from any of you clowns who say they should just let them go at it. And that dude holding his dead the baby in a position to get killed but not you? Bad parent baboon whos now gonna lose his mind and blow someone else up. Filth
If israel wins they are seen as evil
If israel loses they wont be saved
If hamas/pstinians win they are seen as the glorious underdog
If they lose there will be efforts to help them and smear campaigns towards the victor
Israel is disgusting. How can anyone who loves their mother, brother, sister, children support Israel, who specializes in killing people's mothers, brothers, sisters and children? Hopefully the wolves will get em this time and we don't bail then out.
Hamas ran on a more peaceful platform and appeared willing to negotiate when initially elected which was rejected outright with demands Hamas didn't want to follow. So for not kowtowing to these demands sanctions get placed on Palestine. All this does is create a humanitarian crisis for ordinary Palestinians and creates a whole new generation of Palestinians growing up with disdain towards Israel and the west.
End the oppression. End the zionism. End the Holocaust on Muslims.
Go to "palestine" and fight for them then coward.
You sound real upset
Are you in mourning over the 14 Israelis suffering from anxiety?
israel starts aggression
hamas fires rockets
israel responds with more aggression
lets blame hamas
You sound like ustase descendency. I didnt even know or care about the 14 u stupid fukkboy. We can meet in zagreb if youd like fool.
He claimed It was a holocaust. You seem to agree, and would know as ustase.
Then shouldnt they be saved? Go fight like the courageous ww2 vets that saved people who were being slaughtered. If not, then stop hyperbolizing and pointing fingers..and supporting the vermin in achieving madness.
you think ww2 was about saving people from the holocaust?I'm afraid the record doesn't bear that out
On a micro level it does. Step up your comprehension game.
If one individual feels that way, they should support that cause.