
Nov 1, 2015

The unlawful state of Israel was born out of terror - this is a fact.

Here, I have summarised the many militant Zionist terrorist organisations that were formed in the early 20th Century, which were then deployed against the Palestinians and the British.

Yishuv - originally there was a small group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who lived in Ottoman Syria, which also included the Sanjak of Al-Quds (Jerusalem), where it's reported that 8,000 lived in the 1840s.

Then illegal immigrations and settlements started, called Aliyah. Yishuv became Old Yishuv and the pro-Zionist settlements became known as New Yishuv.

Taking advantage of the Tanzimat reforms, a wave of Jewish immigration began and it's reported that by 1880 23,000 Jews lived in Al-Quds. The settlements were not approved.

And from 1880 onwards the Ottomans became extremely strict with their immigration policies, completely banning Jews from settling in Palestine.

The wave of Jewish immigration did not cease.
The first kibbutz (communal settlement), Degania was founded in 1909.

Bar-Giora was a Jewish terrorist militant organisation that was created to support the second Aliyah in 1904. Bar-Giora had branches in Europe and Russia.
Poale Zion (workers of Zion) was one of those related branches, which itself had branches all around the world, including London, New York City, Canada and France.
This group was known as the Jewish Labour Party in these countries.
Yitzhak Ben-Zvi (the 2nd President of Israel) was the leader of the Russian Poale Zion group.

These armed groups were never small groups that were merely created by volunteers, rather they were supported by a large global network of Zionists with influence that extended across international borders.

The individuals serving in these armed terror groups eventually evolved into the military force of Israel, and their terrorist leaders became the leaders of Israel.

Bar-Giora's motto was "In fire and blood did Judea fall, in blood and fire Judea shall rise." This should be sufficient to explain the purpose of its creation, which was to create the state of Israel by way of terror through armed uprisings against established governments.

Their motto was adopted by other Jewish terrorist organisations.

Hashomer (The Watchman or The Guard) absorbed Bar-Giora and was created in April 1909. These were all unauthorised armed militant groups.

Hashomer's purpose was to guard the illegal Jewish settlements (and their growth) in the Yishuv (the Jewish settlements in Palestine).

Hashomer Hatzair (The Young Guard) was founded in 1913. It merged the Hashomer group with that of Zeirei Zion - the Youth of Zion, another group of young Jewish Marxist-Zionists.

Hashomer took upon itself to guard 14 Jewish settlements. It turned itself into an early army of Israel, raiding Palestinian villages and murdering Palestinians that it deemed dangerous to the illegal settlements.

NILI was organised by the Zionists and operated in Palestine between 1915 and 1917. It was a Jewish espionage network working against the Ottomans.
NILI is an acronym for Netzah Yisrael Lo Yeshaker, "The Eternal One of Israel will not lie".

Haganah (meaning defence) absorbed Hashomer and was founded in 1920.

Note that at this time the Palestinians did not have a military movement of sorts. They were relying on Britain's promise of establishing independent Arab states, which also included an independent Palestine for the Arabs, as agreed in 1915. When they talk about Arab revolts of the 20's, these were ordinary men opposing the mass immigration of Jews to their country.

By 1936 the Haganah was completely institutionalised, it was established as the military arm of world Zionism.

The World Zionist Organisation had initially created a Jewish Legion called the Gdudim, also known as The Zion Mule Corps.

In 1914 David Ben-Gurion (Israel's First Prime Minister) and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi (Israel's 2nd President) proposed to create a Jewish Legion which would fight with the Ottoman Army (note, not against it, with it). It was initially accepted, and Jewish men were trained. Later it was disbanded by the Ottomans (who could not trust the Jewish Legion).

Not long after that, in fact three months later (!), Jabotinsky and Joseph Trumpeldor formed a military unit that would now support Britain to seize Palestine from the Ottomans. This unit came to be known as The Zion Mule Corps that also participated in the Gallipoli Campaign against the Ottomans.

The Zion Mule Corps was an auxiliary unit, consisting of Jews from Russia who were exiled from Palestine by the Turks. One of these soldiers was David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister.
The Corps was disbanded after WWI.

The second military defence organisation created by the Socialist Zionists was the Gdud Haavoda. It was a militant Marxist group, established in honour of Joseph Trumpeldor. This was the left-wing Zionist movement (Socialist, Labor Zionism).

The right-wing Zionist movement, the Revisionist Zionists (promoting the establishment of a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan River), created a youth movement named Betar.

BETAR was a Jewish terrorist movement founded in 1923 by Vladimir Zeev Jabotinsky, with branches all over the world.

Its purpose was to create a political and paramilitary terrorist organisation of young Jewish men indoctrinated with the idea of forcefully establishing the state of Israel, and for this purpose they literally went to war not just against the Palestinians but against the British forces in Palestine as well.

BETAR and the terrorist group Irgun Zvai Leumi (Etzel) are closely related.

Irgun was a branch of Haganah, formed in 1931.
Irgun is one of the biggest terrorist organisations ever created. It was responsible for blowing up the British administration headquarters in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people (41 Arabs, 28 Britons, 17 Jews and five others).
Irgun's emblem includes not just Palestine but also Transjordan, with a rifle covering the map and the slogan "raq kach", "only thus"!

Irgun and these other armed Zionist groups "began a fierce armed struggle against Britain in British ruled Palestine" (Encyclopedia of Terrorism, Harvey Kushner)

In 1939, the British issued what they called the "White Paper", which limited Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75,000, through to 1944.

The members of Betar later became members of the political parties in Israel. For example Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin were members.

Menachem Begin was the leader of Irgun in 1943.
Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in 1946.

Menachem Begin was the 6th Prime Minister of Israel.
Menachem Begin was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978.

Israel is a state that was literally born out of terror and the terrorist group leaders later became Israel's leaders.

From Irgun, came Lehi, also known as the Stern Gang. Avraham Stern declared the "British to be the ultimate enemy" and carried out attacks on British targets even as the British were fighting against the Nazis in WWII.

The British offered 10,000 pounds reward for the capture of Menachem Begin in 1947 (the same Menachem Begin who was the PM of Israel and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize)

Lehi continued targeting the British, their terrorist activities included "assassinations, bank robberies and bombings". British detectives hunted down and killed Avraham Stern in 1942. Yitzhak Shamir (7th Prime Minister of Israel) became the leader of Lehi after him. Note again that Lehi is an internationally recognised terrorist organisation.

In 1948 Irgun members murdered hundreds of Palestinians in the village of Deir Yasin, some of them were Christian Arabs. Ben Gurion later said that "without Deir Yasin there would be no Israel."

After the establishment of the unlawful state of Israel, Irgun was transformed into a political movement, that came to be known as the Herut or Freedom Party.

BETAR is an acronym for "Covenant of Joseph Trumpeldor" - an early Zionist terrorist who guarded the illegal Jewish settlements in Palestine and died fighting for it in 1920.
Betar later became associated with the Likud political party in Israel.

"This is BETAR" is the title of a book that promotes the aims of this militant group. It sought to create a Jewish State in "Eretz Israel on both sides of the Jordan", and wanted to do this as quickly as possible.

Vladimir Jabotinsky was also instrumental in the creation of the Irgun terrorist org. "Considerable number of Irgun recruits are known to be drawn" from BETAR, the Zionist Youth Organisation. Betar is thus a terrorist organisation, which supplied the internationally recognised terrorist organisation Irgun with armed men.

Note the attached image of the confidential CIA Information Report. It talks about the BETAR movement receiving paramilitary training in China and also notes that a large number of them are members of the terrorist organisation Irgun Zvai Leumi.

The Zionists engaged in constant terrorism in the 40's as summarised in the quoted tweet/post below.

The Jewish minority in Palestine which at the time had settled in 6% of the land, was magically granted by Britain 53% of Palestine, as if it was Britain's right to give it away. Sir Henry McMahon had promised "the independence of the Arabs within the territories proposed" and these territories also included Palestine.

But even this was not enough. Israel then waged war and seized 80% of Palestine forcefully.

The Nakba (Catastrophe) occurred in 1948, similar to what is happening in Gaza today. These terrorist orgs which later evolved to become the military force of Israel, destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and villages. They massacred at least 15,000 Palestinians and forcefully expelled 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.

In December 1948, the UN called for "refugee return, property restitution and compensation" passing resolution 194 (II).

The United Nations in the 50's and the 60's continued condemning Israel passing many other resolutions for example a resolution was passed for "violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms".

But Israel simply ignores these UN resolutions. Other countries (like Iraq for example) don't have that luxury but somehow Israel does.

Israel has no legal or moral right to the land that it currently occupies. It does not have a historical right either as I explained elsewhere - this claim is irrational.

Israel illegally and forcefully occupies Palestine.
It was born out of terror, it expanded by way of terror and it persists through terror.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012

Michael Shurkin, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council among the many other places he works.