na leave them like that @BarNone, give the thread a graphic thread title warning
Nah, he's right. That stuff has to be in spoilers.
No. Cut that shyt out. If you want to include pics to provide a visual for your point, then put spoiler tags around it. That's what they're there for. Some of us would like to read the thread without looking at torn open baby corpses.
there dead though fully clothed, only one pic had baby with blood and he was alive
It's important to show people what goes on in these conflicts, including the deaths of children. What sickens me is that the people posting these pictures act as if they care for these children. All they care about is public perception. If it was about children dying, the same posters would post pictures of Israeli children (and vice versa) should to condemn all deaths of children.
If this was a serious, but none based discussion about collateral death and children being killed, I wouldn't have a problem showing what goes on. This isn't about that though. This is about winning the media war.
green rep, real message although u took shots at me
End the oppression. End the zionism. End the Holocaust on Muslims.
Nah brother. I didn't take shots at you. I took shots at what you are doing.
I got love for you. Let the hatred out of your heart. If you really care about the welfare of children, it shouldn't matter what side they are on.
If I assume erroneously, I apologize.
I've seen my share of dead children overseas, some caused by American weapons, others caused by insurgent IEDs. They both made me feel the same way.
Children are blank slates. We teach them hate. Their natural inclination is to love.
You think if you left a group of Palestinian and Israeli toddlers alone they wouldn't be playing as a group with smiles on their faces?