Nope, I said you're redefining a word. You're claiming I'm ignoring the definition of a word. So it can't be "just like."
Yes it can, because you are dancing around semantics and expositions. And I did not redefine a word, since what Israel is doing is in fact occupation.
possession, settlement, or use of land or property.
the act of occupying.
the state of being occupied.
verb (used with object)
to take possession and control of (a place), as by military invasion.
Military occupation. Feel free to read up on it. The fact that Israel is controlling everything means it is still effectively occupied as per definition.
Controlling airspace and territorial waters is not an occupation. The only evidence you have presented that this constitutes an occupation is the opinion of some organizations.
You dismissing it doesn't make it invalid evidence. See above.
No, neither the numbers or facts say otherwise. The numbers of civilians deaths could be 100 million and the number of civilians targeted could be zero. You really need to learn the distinction between the two.
When all else fails, resort to full on

... whatever works for you I suppose.
Another opinion from some organization. Amount of evidence they provided: Zero. Like I said, you need to learn how to evaluate information instead of swallowing it all.
Yeah it is seems to be a recurring pattern, everything that states the contrary to whatever you believe in are just baseless opinions, no matter what the source is.
You ignored the documentary that had visual proof btw.
I have plenty of ground to stand on.
Fact: Israeli soldiers who do bad things get thrown in prison.
Fact: The evidence that Israel targets civilians amounts to approximately zero. All you have is opinions from organizations and "Palestinian witnesses."

"who do bad things get thrown in prison" all of them? are you sure? many confessions here say otherwise.
Breaking the Silence › Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories
And yup, again - dismissing witnesses and organizations because it doesn't coincide with what you think.
Ahh.. It was "floating around the internet" so it must be real right?
People share ideas and pictures on forums. You kinda have to deal with that even if you don't like it.
And are you disputing the facts of the pictures? Or the fact that the pictures physically exist?
Wait, never mind, because no matter the answer they must be opinions or just what "Palestinians saw" so they are automatically invalid ... TLOL logic.
You say nope, and then do it again
Read what you just typed, think about it for a second.
Not a valid counter-argument. I already demonstrated how you used a Red Herring fallacy.
There is no need for a counter argument because you are literally grasping at straws

the sources I posted are from where I extracted the quotes from, which relates to the discussion.
I haven't done that once. I claim your arguments are false based on the fact that there is zero evidence for it - and on the way I point out how fallacious your arguments are.
Been through this. You ignore or dismiss evidence then try to point our fallacious arguments to compensate.
That one only applies when the burden of proof is on the person using it...
Feel free to read up on this because you are obviously misinformed.
^ This you completely made up.
No, you've done that in this thread and other threads on this subject. To quote yourself, "zero evidence to your claims".
^ Insults are not Ad Hominems. Ad Hominems are claiming someone is wrong because of a negative characterization of that person.
You did just that, claiming that I am wrong because I am intellectually handicapped and that I lack critical skills

do you even read what you type?
Another Red Herring. I never said you slandered the JEwish people.
Wow. Okay then. You are either going to get into semantics and expositions again or straight up ignore what you said. If you want to be specific, I never did or said anything that qualifies as "Spitting on the graves of 6 million murdered Jews".
Your keep repeating yourself, dismissing everything presented against you and insist on going in circles. Unless you actually post something substantial this will be my last post in response to you because having the same back and forth over and over again leads to nowhere. Several posters have pointed this out yet you ignore and continue. If I haven't seen you do this several times in other similar threads I'd be astonished at the depths someone would go to bolster specious and fraudulent claims.
Since this is an extension of the last post, still 3-0.