
May 6, 2012
Jul 25, 2012

Pretty stupid pictures. If Hamas doesn't launch rockets Israel doesn't launch airstrikes. This is a verifiable fact. Before Israel killed the top Hamas terrorist Hamas launched hundreds of rockets into Israel (which came after a lull). Again, these are facts.


May 6, 2012
Pretty stupid pictures. If Hamas doesn't launch rockets Israel doesn't launch airstrikes. This is a verifiable fact. Before Israel killed the top Hamas terrorist Hamas launched hundreds of rockets into Israel (which came after a lull). Again, these are facts.

the facts are that these exchanges have been going on for years and Israel's policy towards Hamas is a failure. They're not even going on on the ground, so they agree with me on this :obama: (and if they do, it still wont' resolve anything)
Jul 25, 2012
This blood is on your hands. But i guess it doesn't matter unless it happening to Jewish children?? O no wait that's right Hamas builds weapons factories inside of preschools and day cares.




More like that blood is on Hamas's hands, since they started the war, and then fired missiles from around those babies.

Oh, and the amount of evidence that those pictures are from this conflict so far amounts to zero.
May 2, 2012
thetown to global
It seems like you're trying to make a point, but failing miserably. Occupation refers to something specific, you're re-defining it to mean something completely different. Then you randomly post a dictionary definition of genocide. Okay....

Just like how you ignore the definition of mass murder and genocide when Israel fits the bill? Should I look up irony for you?

I am saying that just because people make a claim it does not mean it is true. You should be evaluating the reason and the evidence they are making a claim. This is indeed called critical thinking skills.

Oh, and clearly you don't know the concept of burden of proof. If you're going to make an accusation (Israel is occupying Gaza), you have to provide evidence -- not me. Citing the UN's opinion is not evidence. Its just some leader of an organization (which is extremely biased against Israel -- but even if it wasn't), instead of actual facts.

The fact that you implied that I should provide evidence to the contrary indicates that you do not understand the concept of burden of proof within rational discussion (also an issue with critical thinking).

I guess the other organizations I posted are all biased against Israel, eh?

I didn't imply anything, but pointed out that you dismiss everything as opinions as if your own isn't, appealing to ignorance is a nice little trick but at least don't be so transparent in doing so. UN and the several other Human Rights Watch and NGO groups I referred to formed their assessment based on the fact that Israel controls Gaza's airspace and territorial waters, and does not allow the movement of goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea. Your choice of neglecting that doesn't change the truth.

It is incredible that you think you proved something with what you quoted. I said civilians were not targeted. Nothing you replied contradicts with that fact. I said the majority of deaths were terrorists. You posted statistics showing that the minority of deaths were under 18. That supports my point more than it supports yours.

Those were civilian deaths. Very obvious in the staggering difference in numbers between both parties. You claim civilians are not targeted when the numbers and facts say otherwise. In the documentary Tears of Gaza they show the bodies of young children that were shot in the chest at close range. Here's another one for you:

Union of Health Care Committees (UHCC) charged that the Israeli occupation was deliberately targeting the children and women of Gaza by using internationally prohibited weapons.

UHCC reported in a press statement on Saturday that such large numbers of dead and injured children in the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza demonstrates the clear Israeli targeting of civilians particularly innocent children.

The Israeli targeting of children and women is a flagrant violation of all international norms and conventions, UHCC said, calling on human rights and humanitarian organizations and the World Health Organization and UNICEF to protect the children of Palestine from being targeted by the occupation”.

The union expressed deep concern because of the use of the internationally prohibited weapons by the Israeli army in total violation of the international laws.​

Plenty contradicts what you've said. And here's the funny thing - if we were to believe you, it would only prove that Israel have little to no care for civilian safety as they racked up an excessive amount of civilian deaths despite the fact that they were "targeting the terrorists". You have no ground to stand on when you try to make it seem like Israel is the more conscientious of the two.

You completely made this up. I am not dismissing any and everything that I don't believe -- I dismiss arguments that have zero evidence. I'm an educated man, not some baffoon who believes something just cause "the UN said so."

Refer to post above.

An example of something I would never do, is make an argument based on a poster written by a propaganda group like this:

^ The fact that you're not embarrassed to post that is pretty mindblowing stuff. Not to mention this:

^ Did you check the veracity of that photo? Of course you didn't. If you were a critical thinker, you wouldn't be pro-Palestine in the first place.

I posted the pictures in a separate response, they were not directed at you. Simply sharing what is already floating around the internet.

You seem offended though, I guess you have something in common with the Palestinians and the many other people that were offended by the picture in which the Israeli makes light of shooting a pregnant woman and killing babies.

Actually, not a single fallacy was made by me - and several fallacies were made by you.

You attempted Argumentum Ad Populum, by discussing "how many countries" call Gaza occupied. This is a known logical fallacy.

You attempted the Red Herring fallacy, by talking about the first intifadah and other events unrelated to my point.

You posted number of casualties as a counter-argument to differences in targeting of civilians. This is fallacious in the sense that just because civilians die, it doesn't mean they were targeted. It is unclear if you knew that or not while posting it.

1. Nope, just reaffirming the amount of countries that came to the conclusion that Gaza is occupied based on the facts provided. The number of countries, no matter how large or small, doesn't change the truth. It does however serve to make you look like the biased bigot you are though.

2. Nope.

3. Refer to civilian post above.

Yet you cannot list a single fallacy I have made.

Nah, I can think of plenty:

  • Argument from fallacy - You trying to dismiss my conclusions itself by attempting to make my arguments appear fallacious, knowing damn well that even if that were to be case, it doesn't prove the conclusion itself is false.
  • Argument from ignorance - Pretty self explanatory.
  • Faulty generalizations such as cherry picking things specifically to suit your own agenda, Hasty generalization of Palestinians being terrorists (and that the civilians dead must be terrorists)
  • Ad hominem - Directly insulting me several times, this one is obvious too.

I could go on but that would take a while considering who I am having this discussion with, but I'm sure everyone reading this get the point.

Spitting on the graves of 6 million murdered Jews by comparing it to the plight of Palestinians is not "being civil." Its being a bleeding vagina who doesn't know how to have a rational conversation.

Except I did not slander Jewish people, I did not use any racial or demeaning slurs, so that is false. Israel =/= every Jewish person that ever existed, or even the majority of the Jewish population.

And yet another insult, you seem really angry ...

Some arguments are so stupid they don't need a counter-argument. Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany -- you might as well start talking about lizards, space aliens, warewolves, and the illuminati joining forces to rule the Earth. It is on the same level of mental retardation.

... yup, your emotional reponse suggests that you are now just typing out of blind rage instead of ignorance and fatuousness.

So in conclusion, 3-0, hat trick.

Jul 25, 2012
the facts are that these exchanges have been going on for years and Israel's policy towards Hamas is a failure. They're not even going on on the ground, so they agree with me on this :obama: (and if they do, it still wont' resolve anything)

Brushing aside your Red Herring, Hamas launched over a hundred rockets after a lull.

That is a fact.
Jul 25, 2012
Just like how you ignore the definition of mass murder and genocide when Israel fits the bill? Should I look up irony for you?

Nope, I said you're redefining a word. You're claiming I'm ignoring the definition of a word. So it can't be "just like."

I guess the other organizations I posted are all biased against Israel, eh?

I didn't imply anything, but pointed out that you dismiss everything as opinions as if your own isn't, appealing to ignorance is a nice little trick but at least don't be so transparent in doing so. UN and the several other Human Rights Watch and NGO groups I referred to formed their assessment based on the fact that Israel controls Gaza's airspace and territorial waters, and does not allow the movement of goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea. Your choice of neglecting that doesn't change the truth.

Controlling airspace and territorial waters is not an occupation. The only evidence you have presented that this constitutes an occupation is the opinion of some organizations.

Again, this is a severe lack of basic critical thinking skills. I'm asking for evidence, not opinions.

Those were civilian deaths. Very obvious in the staggering difference in numbers between both parties. You claim civilians are not targeted when the numbers and facts say otherwise.

No, neither the numbers or facts say otherwise. The numbers of civilians deaths could be 100 million and the number of civilians targeted could be zero. You really need to learn the distinction between the two.

In the documentary Tears of Gaza they show the bodies of young children that were shot in the chest at close range. Here's another one for you:

Union of Health Care Committees (UHCC) charged that the Israeli occupation was deliberately targeting the children and women of Gaza by using internationally prohibited weapons.

UHCC reported in a press statement on Saturday that such large numbers of dead and injured children in the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza demonstrates the clear Israeli targeting of civilians particularly innocent children.

The Israeli targeting of children and women is a flagrant violation of all international norms and conventions, UHCC said, calling on human rights and humanitarian organizations and the World Health Organization and UNICEF to protect the children of Palestine from being targeted by the occupation”.

The union expressed deep concern because of the use of the internationally prohibited weapons by the Israeli army in total violation of the international laws.​

Another opinion from some organization. Amount of evidence they provided: Zero. Like I said, you need to learn how to evaluate information instead of swallowing it all.

And here's the funny thing - if we were to believe you, it would only prove that Israel have little to no care for civilian safety as they racked up an excessive amount of civilian deaths despite the fact that they were "targeting the terrorists". You have no ground to stand on when you try to make it seem like Israel is the more conscientious of the two.

I have plenty of ground to stand on.

Fact: Israeli soldiers who do bad things get thrown in prison.

Fact: The evidence that Israel targets civilians amounts to approximately zero. All you have is opinions from organizations and "Palestinian witnesses."

I posted the pictures in a separate response, they were not directed at you. Simply sharing what is already floating around the internet.

Ahh.. It was "floating around the internet" so it must be real right?

1. Nope, just reaffirming the amount of countries that came to the conclusion that Gaza is occupied based on the facts provided. The number of countries, no matter how large or small, doesn't change the truth. It does however serve to make you look like the biased bigot you are though.

You say nope, and then do it again :damn:

Not a valid counter-argument. I already demonstrated how you used a Red Herring fallacy.

3. Refer to civilian post above.

Which of course, contained zero evidence of your claims (unless you claim you swallow the opinions of organizations without observing their evidence, in which I would agree with you)

Nah, I can think of plenty:

  • Argument from fallacy - You trying to dismiss my conclusions itself by attempting to make my arguments appear fallacious, knowing damn well that even if that were to be case, it doesn't prove the conclusion itself is false.

  • I haven't done that once. I claim your arguments are false based on the fact that there is zero evidence for it - and on the way I point out how fallacious your arguments are.

    [*]Argument from ignorance - Pretty self explanatory.

    That one only applies when the burden of proof is on the person using it... :facepalm:

    [*]Faulty generalizations such as cherry picking things specifically to suit your own agenda, Hasty generalization of Palestinians being terrorists (and that the civilians dead must be terrorists)

    ^ This you completely made up.

    [*]Ad hominem - Directly insulting me several times, this one is obvious too.

^ Insults are not Ad Hominems. Ad Hominems are claiming someone is wrong because of a negative characterization of that person. This I haven't done. I'm glad I'm here to educate you on basic logical reasoning.

Except I did not slander Jewish people,

Another Red Herring. I never said you slandered the JEwish people. Try and keep up.
Jul 25, 2012
How the Palestinians are fooling you using pictures, and how you are falling for it


^ That's an Israeli baby... Look at the Hebrew on the man holding the baby.

Oh but wait....

Wow, she's been bleeding like that since 2009!


EXcept that child is actually Syrian:

And here is another one:


Aug 12, 2012
netanahayu is such a war criminal still trying to get revenge on his brotehr getting lit up like a christmas tree.

does israel really want more rockets going off in haifa? or the al aqsa brigade blowing themselves up again

The dude is almost like Hitler starting a world war and going on a killing spree all because he didn't get accepted to art school by a Jew.

I mean some people are straight up crazy. War should ALWAYS be the last resort .
May 2, 2012
thetown to global
Nope, I said you're redefining a word. You're claiming I'm ignoring the definition of a word. So it can't be "just like."

Yes it can, because you are dancing around semantics and expositions. And I did not redefine a word, since what Israel is doing is in fact occupation.

possession, settlement, or use of land or property.
the act of occupying.
the state of being occupied.

verb (used with object)
to take possession and control of (a place), as by military invasion.​

Military occupation. Feel free to read up on it. The fact that Israel is controlling everything means it is still effectively occupied as per definition.

Controlling airspace and territorial waters is not an occupation. The only evidence you have presented that this constitutes an occupation is the opinion of some organizations.

You dismissing it doesn't make it invalid evidence. See above.

No, neither the numbers or facts say otherwise. The numbers of civilians deaths could be 100 million and the number of civilians targeted could be zero. You really need to learn the distinction between the two.

When all else fails, resort to full on :troll: ... whatever works for you I suppose.

Another opinion from some organization. Amount of evidence they provided: Zero. Like I said, you need to learn how to evaluate information instead of swallowing it all.

Yeah it is seems to be a recurring pattern, everything that states the contrary to whatever you believe in are just baseless opinions, no matter what the source is.

You ignored the documentary that had visual proof btw.

I have plenty of ground to stand on.

Fact: Israeli soldiers who do bad things get thrown in prison.

Fact: The evidence that Israel targets civilians amounts to approximately zero. All you have is opinions from organizations and "Palestinian witnesses."

:laugh: "who do bad things get thrown in prison" all of them? are you sure? many confessions here say otherwise.

Breaking the Silence › Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories

And yup, again - dismissing witnesses and organizations because it doesn't coincide with what you think.

Ahh.. It was "floating around the internet" so it must be real right?

People share ideas and pictures on forums. You kinda have to deal with that even if you don't like it.

And are you disputing the facts of the pictures? Or the fact that the pictures physically exist?

Wait, never mind, because no matter the answer they must be opinions or just what "Palestinians saw" so they are automatically invalid ... TLOL logic.

You say nope, and then do it again :damn:

Read what you just typed, think about it for a second.

Not a valid counter-argument. I already demonstrated how you used a Red Herring fallacy.

There is no need for a counter argument because you are literally grasping at straws :laugh: the sources I posted are from where I extracted the quotes from, which relates to the discussion.

I haven't done that once. I claim your arguments are false based on the fact that there is zero evidence for it - and on the way I point out how fallacious your arguments are.

Been through this. You ignore or dismiss evidence then try to point our fallacious arguments to compensate.

That one only applies when the burden of proof is on the person using it... :facepalm:

Feel free to read up on this because you are obviously misinformed.

^ This you completely made up.

No, you've done that in this thread and other threads on this subject. To quote yourself, "zero evidence to your claims".

^ Insults are not Ad Hominems. Ad Hominems are claiming someone is wrong because of a negative characterization of that person.

You did just that, claiming that I am wrong because I am intellectually handicapped and that I lack critical skills :laugh: do you even read what you type?

Another Red Herring. I never said you slandered the JEwish people.

Wow. Okay then. You are either going to get into semantics and expositions again or straight up ignore what you said. If you want to be specific, I never did or said anything that qualifies as "Spitting on the graves of 6 million murdered Jews".

Your keep repeating yourself, dismissing everything presented against you and insist on going in circles. Unless you actually post something substantial this will be my last post in response to you because having the same back and forth over and over again leads to nowhere. Several posters have pointed this out yet you ignore and continue. If I haven't seen you do this several times in other similar threads I'd be astonished at the depths someone would go to bolster specious and fraudulent claims.

Since this is an extension of the last post, still 3-0.

Jun 24, 2012
Why do people even respond to TLOL. He is a Israel Fanatic who
1. Leaves in NJ, not Israel
2. Brainwashed Yemeni
3. Will never be accepted in Israel as a "Real Jew"
4. He has hated his Arab brown skin b/c he can't be accepted in Israel so he curses his brothers for him not being able to go to the Holy Land
5. He refutes any facts about Israel that deem them as wrong. Israel can't and will never be wrong in his eyes.