
Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
you would think israel was just made up of white jews with the make up of their sadistic govt. they trot out their "diversity" to excuse their actions.
The Mizrahi ministers in this government are actually the most extreme.


May 3, 2012
I also think passing this off as white supremacy is missing the entire Israeli perspective. Their history is one of colonization from the start. If you agree that Jim Crow laws were awful oppression, that's the Jewish history in Europe for a millennium....with Crusaders slaughtering them en mass, pogroms during the plague, the Spanish Monarchy attempting genocide and exiling them, pogroms throughout the 19th century, the Holocaust, and countless others. I'm not saying that American/global support isn't the result of white supremacy to a degree, just that the Israeli's aren't de-facto Europeans because they were exiled there.

I doubt Israel has much faith in western support at the moment
In a world where Biden cuts off Israel, as many seem to want, Israel isn't going to just disappear...and they have fukking nukes.

edit: The Islamic alliance are colonizers who oppressed the indigenous populations as well, they've just been their longer.
There are a number of historians who see the rule of the Umayyads as responsible for setting up the "dhimmah" to increase taxes from the dhimmis to benefit the Arab Muslim community financially and to discourage conversion.[26] Islam was initially associated with the Arabs' ethnic identity and required formal association with an Arab tribe and the adoption of the client status of mawali.[26] Governors lodged complaints with the caliph when he enacted laws that made conversion easier since that deprived the provinces of revenues from the tax on non-Muslims.

During the following Abbasid period, an enfranchisement was experienced by the mawali and a shift was made in the political conception from that of a primarily-Arab empire to one of a Muslim empire.[27] Around 930 a law was enacted that required all bureaucrats of the empire to be Muslims.[26] Both periods were also marked by significant migrations of Arab tribes outwards from the Arabian Peninsula into the new territories.[27]

Conversion within the empire: "Conversion curve"[edit]​

Richard Bulliet's "conversion curve" shows a relatively low rate of conversion of non-Arab subjects during the Arab centric Umayyad period of 10%, in contrast with estimates for the more politically-multicultural Abbasid period, which saw the Muslim population grow from around 40% in the mid-9th century to close to 100% by the end of the 11th century.[27] That theory does not explain the continuing existence of large minorities of Christians during the Abbasids. Other estimates suggest that Muslims were not a majority in Egypt until the mid-10th century and in the Fertile Crescent until 1100. What is now Syria may have had a Christian majority until the Mongol invasions of the 13th century.

Growth rate[edit]​

In addition to conversion to Islam, the Muslim population also grew from a higher birth rate than non-Muslims as a result of the rights of Muslim men to marry four women, have numerous concubines and raise their children as Muslims.[28]
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Moshpit Gxng/ Anti Fash
Mar 11, 2022
Stone Mountain GA
What do palestinians think of HAMAS? are they a legit voted in government or a bunch of terrorists looking to "go viral" off real suffering?

What tangible goals do they want ? bc the dissolution of isreal will not happen.

This blood shed is sickening.


Jul 5, 2012
I also think passing this off as white supremacy is missing the entire Israeli perspective. Their history is one of colonization from the start. If you agree that Jim Crow laws were awful oppression, that's the Jewish history in Europe for a millennium....with Crusaders slaughtering them en mass, pogroms during the plague, the Spanish Monarchy attempting genocide and exiling them, pogroms throughout the 19th century, the Holocaust, and countless others. I'm not saying that American/global support isn't the result of white supremacy to a degree, just that the Israeli's aren't de-facto Europeans because they were exiled there.

I doubt Israel has much faith in western support at the moment
In a world where Biden cuts off Israel, as many seem to want, Israel isn't going to just disappear...and they have fukking nukes.

edit: The Islamic alliance are colonizers who oppressed the indigenous populations as well, they've just been their longer.
There are a number of historians who see the rule of the Umayyads as responsible for setting up the "dhimmah" to increase taxes from the dhimmis to benefit the Arab Muslim community financially and to discourage conversion.[26] Islam was initially associated with the Arabs' ethnic identity and required formal association with an Arab tribe and the adoption of the client status of mawali.[26] Governors lodged complaints with the caliph when he enacted laws that made conversion easier since that deprived the provinces of revenues from the tax on non-Muslims.

During the following Abbasid period, an enfranchisement was experienced by the mawali and a shift was made in the political conception from that of a primarily-Arab empire to one of a Muslim empire.[27] Around 930 a law was enacted that required all bureaucrats of the empire to be Muslims.[26] Both periods were also marked by significant migrations of Arab tribes outwards from the Arabian Peninsula into the new territories.[27]

Conversion within the empire: "Conversion curve"[edit]​

Richard Bulliet's "conversion curve" shows a relatively low rate of conversion of non-Arab subjects during the Arab centric Umayyad period of 10%, in contrast with estimates for the more politically-multicultural Abbasid period, which saw the Muslim population grow from around 40% in the mid-9th century to close to 100% by the end of the 11th century.[27] That theory does not explain the continuing existence of large minorities of Christians during the Abbasids. Other estimates suggest that Muslims were not a majority in Egypt until the mid-10th century and in the Fertile Crescent until 1100. What is now Syria may have had a Christian majority until the Mongol invasions of the 13th century.

Growth rate[edit]​

In addition to conversion to Islam, the Muslim population also grew from a higher birth rate than non-Muslims as a result of the rights of Muslim men to marry four women, have numerous concubines and raise their children as Muslims.[28]

zionism is the israeli perspective. zionism is a branch on the tree of white supremacy.


May 3, 2012
Palestinian history in the Arab Empire:
In the late 6th century, a new monotheistic religion called Islam was founded by its prophet Muhammad, whose followers became known as Muslims. Muhammad united the tribes of Arabia into a religious polity, a caliphate, whose domains he and his successors extended into a vast empire through holy war (jihad).[296][ci] They conquered Palestine in 636 to 640.[247][cii][ciii]

Society in the caliphate formed a pyramid with five layers.[297] Arabs were at the top, followed by converts to Islam (mawali) (this distinction disappeared after the Abbasids seized power).[297] Below them stood dhimmis, followed by non-Muslim free men and slaves at the bottom.[297] The dhimmi (meaning "protected person") were Christians, Jews, and Samaritans, who the Muslims designated as "peoples of the Book" (ahl al-kitab), meaning that they, like the Muslims, based their worship on a book God had given to them, which, in its essence, was identical to the Koran.[298] Unlike the previous rulers, the Muslims allowed them to practice their religions in peace. However, non-Muslim men had to pay a special tax (jizya) and they had to be submissive to Muslims.[298][civ] Dress regulations were imposed on non-Muslims, but it is uncertain whether they were ever enforced in Palestine.[299][cv] Muslim men were permitted to marry non-Muslim women even if the latter choose to remain in their faith. Muslim women, however, could not marry non-Muslim men, unless they first converted to Islam.[300][cvi] The Muslims also lifted the Romans' centuries-long ban on Jews in Jerusalem...

Bernard Lewis writes: "In one of the sad paradoxes of human history, it was the humanitarian reforms brought by Islam that resulted in a vast development of the slave trade inside, and still more outside, the Islamic empire." He notes that the Islamic injunctions against the enslavement of Muslims led to the massive importation of slaves from the outside.[38] According to Patrick Manning, Islam by recognizing and codifying slavery seems to have done more to protect and expand slavery than the reverse.[31]

The 'Arab' slave trade was part of the broader 'Islamic' slave trade. Bernard Lewis writes that "polytheists and idolaters were seen primarily as sources of slaves, to be imported into the Islamic world and molded-in Islamic ways, and, since they possessed no religion of their own worth the mention, as natural recruits for Islam."[39] Patrick Manning states that religion was hardly the point of this slavery.[40] Also, this term suggests comparison between Islamic slave trade and Christian slave trade. Propagators of Islam in Africa often revealed a cautious attitude towards proselytizing because of its effect in reducing the potential reservoir of slaves.

They're being oppressed by Israel and by the Arabs.
Neither the Arabs or the Israelis are "right", and neither side cares. This runs deeper than our Western 20-minute attention span can handle.
The outside world should be encouraging peace at all costs, because any solution that escalates violence in any way is a disaster for the Palestinians.


May 3, 2012
These Internet Streetz

"Administrative shortcuts can erode the State Department vetting process and increase the likelihood of sales to military units that commit gross human rights violations. Such sales violate the Leahy Law, a clause of the Foreign Assistance Act. "

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
What do palestinians think of HAMAS? are they a legit voted in government or a bunch of terrorists looking to "go viral" off real suffering?

What tangible goals do they want ? bc the dissolution of isreal will not happen.

This blood shed is sickening.
Hamas, which isn't just guys with guns, was elected back in 2006. Majority of people who live in Gaza aren't old enough to have voted in that election. Even if they were they haven't been given a choice since then. So no, Hamas isn't a democratic body.

While I have my criticisms, this article has the most recent polling you're probably going to find on the matter:


