Just before we became him, it happened
Benjamin Netanyahu is the contractor of the destruction of the Israeli soul
Just before we became him it happened. Just before we became the man you pulled us out and wouldn't let go. Just before we became empty, cowardly, greedy, corrupt, egotistical, stingy, obsessive, paranoid, megalomaniacal, worthless. A moment before our heart was completely numb. A moment before we felt nothing. Just before we became nothing.
it happened. In large part it happened because we almost became him.
Benjamin Netanyahu will be remembered in Israel's history as the one who brought the country to the brink of destruction. But the physical destruction could only happen following the destruction of the mind. Benjamin Netanyahu is the contractor of the destruction of the Israeli psyche. He destroyed the Israeli soul so that it would conform to his own soul - the destroyed, emptied, which feels nothing.
Every place where he recognized mental content, he marked; Every person in whom he recognized mental content was marked; Each group in which he recognized mental content was marked.
And after the marking, came the destruction stage.
A and Miriam that he is a liar . But Benjamin Netanyahu never lied. Only those who have truth in them can lie. Netanyahu is a man without truth and without lies. empty man A man with nothing.
The power of a word lies in the fact that it is charged with something that has a connection between it and the actualization. The more complete and precise this relationship is, the more valuable the word. The battle over the baggage of the word is the battle over the baggage of consciousness, and the battle over the baggage of consciousness is the battle over the way we live. In the place where a word is emptied of its content and filled with another, inverted, partial, misleading content - in this place the word falls apart, and therefore consciousness falls apart, andsubsequently reality falls apart.
Benjamin Netanyahu - a broken man - broke reality for us.
••• To dismantle reality he built machines of destruction called "
poison machines ": a small poison machine and a large poison machine. The small poison machine was built as Netanyahu's soul model. Its purpose was to demonstrate to the public how reality can be emptied of its content, sometimes turned on its head, by manipulation; How good can become bad, how bad can become good. Netanyahu is emptying the most basic values to prove that everything, but everything, is worthless. He thought: only if others recognize that everything is worthless, he will be able to live at peace with his own worthlessness. When all are emptied, his own emptiness will become thepattern of the landscape of his existence.
Yair Netanyahu should be thought of as someone who embodies in his body the soul of his father, and as someone whose personality outlines outline the blueprint of the little poison machine. Yair Netanyahu is what is inside Benjamin Netanyahu and outside Benjamin Netanyahu at the same time. It is also a source of panic that it evokes. The emotions that are directed towards him are so intense that every person who still holds a mental content, feels withevery fiber of his body that before him stands someone who threatens his very existence.
But the small poison machine - Yair Netanyahu and a few other empty people - was designed to activate the big poison machine. And it was composed of all those hundreds of thousands of Israelis who recognized in Netanyahu an ideal model of their own souls; All those hundreds of thousands of Israelis who looked at his manipulativeness, his corruption, his egotism, his avarice, his obsession, his paranoia, his megalomania, his sense of persecution - and recognized these parts in themselves.
These parts were not always dominant for them, they were not always given a place of honor in reality. For years they were oppressed by the feeling of shame, which originates from the higher self of the collective - especially the leadership. This is exactly what Netanyahu wanted to do: mark from above the age of shame. To signal that it is no longer necessary to hide and suppress the ugly elements of the soul. It is possible, it is finally possible, to release this energy and convert it into the realization of the instincts that have been suppressed until now - the violence, the incitement, the deception, the lie, the egoism.
This animal release was at the heart of the destruction project of the Netanyahu years. The empty man released collective toxins held within the Israeli tissues, and when these were released, the sewage simply overflowed: a storm of decay, a tsunami of emptiness, an earthquake of reversal of values was created in Israel. And these swept away whole communities with them. The toxins that were released penetrated the Israeli blood circulation. The blood circulation which is also our immune system. Netanyahu poisoned the Israeli immune system and it almost collapsed. The Israeli body began to die.
••• A moment before the soul was almost completely emptied, and a moment before the immune system almost completely failed, and a moment before the body almost completely died - those who wanted to kill what was left of us broke in, deep inside. They recognized mental death and sought to complete the work by murdering the body.
This pain, deep, crippling, that has no limit. The chasms of the soul that open up and the heart, the head, and the body collapse into the contents. The tears that become companions. The sadness that hardens into nerves, the nerves that soften into sadness - what is this, a whole world of a man, and the empty man who stands in front of a camera and talks to us?
••• The soul is tormented because it suddenly perceives that it has almost been annihilated.
But just before we became him it happened.