Cosign on the privacy concerns... (I took it back to SOHH days with the "cosign")
I don't want videos of my family uploaded to some cloud service...
no worries, I still use "shout out" from time to time.
I didn't even think of that, I was just talking in general. My friend and her dude have a Vivant (sp) system and he's always talking randomly through the cameras when we are gathering at her home. The same when you're ringing the doorbell and he's somewhere at work. Its not a good feeling to be in someone's house and feel "watched". I don't know, it's wildly uncomfortable. They also check on each other's whereabouts randomly, which I feel has to be as stressful and insecure as checking someone's phone. Unless it's my child, I don't value my belongings that much. If you steal them, go head.