thaKEAF - thaKEAF
Los! - loslex
Shugg Ross - Shugg84
Ku$h Parker - MAZE4614
mlk17 - mlk45burretta
DaFilthyLucre - SeraPh357
Trillfalgar - OmegaMerc-
KushSkywalker - TheKushSkywalker
SubLyminalz - seymorecakes75
head shots101 - Gutta23
Chrishaune - mrContract
khoff31 - khoffman3113
Todd McPiff - Piff Clinton
Jplaya2023 - jplaya2023
Brandeezy - brandeezyb
PrnzHakeem - Karrde81
Melt_Man - riftvalley
Sh0ckWave - TERRA IZ HIM
FBGPlank - DREW706
The Fukin Prophecy - NYC_OZ
Sub Kr4zy - Skorpioblak
TarPitWu - DuBBWizard87
Willstyles - will-styles125
The Phoenix - CertainS9
DomonKasshu - BlackDante1
Vagina Thief - Urmotherhasnuts
Urban Woods - JamesWoodsKiting
Jax - uther20
Camammal - lestog18
IDLE LABOR - BlackGenius
Big Blue- BigBlue845
Klarifeye The Great - klarifeye87
jadillac - JL1181
The_Unchosen_One - chuckminning
twan83 - antoine1027
lamont614 - lamontjoker614
KingDrew - GetThisWork88
stealthbomber - HueyNewton818
detroitwalt - detroitwalt
icantspell - malware4u
Micisgod - rocboyz_101
BlackDynamite - BlaxkDynamite
SubZeroDegrees - infamous504
Add on we gotta have this crime organization organized before October 1st. Please post your username and PSN name in the format "Username - PSN Name".