@Drew Wonder here's my not so professional "critique" of your logline...
first of all, loglines suck. I hate them. it's like trying to fit an elephant into an overhead bin. you have to get every major detail into 1 sentence while also not spoiling everything and it always feels undercooked. i'm trying to wear my "expert" hat and just take past experiences of my own into account even though i tend to think "they" nitpick the fukk out of things and aren't at the top of Hollywood for a reason...
with that, i say this one feels a little undercooked.
i don't know that it's 100% necessary but i prefer to have an adjective describe the main character. so slap a word to describe her character before "teen." Easier said than done. find a fancier word for "determined" that people will still know the definition of without looking it up.
I think the first part of the logline is fine. mind altering drugs, ok. that's something. ... then it gets kinda generic. feel like we've seen the "hero joins an underground freedom fighter group" 100 times. and i think "through the use of a powerful substance" kinda ends it on a "meh" note. I imagine that substance is the major thru-line of the script you don't want to outright tell us what it is, but "powerful substance" isn't necessarily leaving me yearning to know what it could possibly be. That's the part that i think is the problem. you set the world, you set the protagonist, you set the goal of the story, and then "powerful substance" it just kinda ends on a question mark.
This isn't my genre. I'm not running to see this, and it feels familiar (keep thinking of Dredd,) but at the same time i can 100% already see some cool scenes in my head, so that's a good thing. Spoil me - what's the substance?
and that's my non-scientific, pulled from my ass take.