Your bias towards me is amazing. I know you're not stupid and seen @
LionofJudah spamming the last two pages with a million videos.

Yet another straw man argument.
Especially since I've mentioned being mixed
also applies to the mixing of multitudes from a tribal perspective. For example, once a foreigner joined with Israel, he and his descendants became one with the native-born Israelites. Just as a foreigner who joined with Egypt and embraced their culture became Egyptian. Or are you forgetting the Pharaohs of Nubian descent?
Then again, you're the same dude who claimed the Dravidians, who are mega dark, weren't black people cause they don't have woolly hair. Nevermind the fact that there were EGYPTIANS who didn't have woolly hair either. Yet we both agree they were black.
Talking about white supremacy, yet you wanna use "American standards" to define an ancient world
Where do you get Japheth, Shem and Ham being a white supremacy doctrine? Like, how does one even come to such an asinine conclusion breh? If anything, you the one creating neurotic arguments centered around eurocentic theories.
Was Ham born in Africa, Japheth in Europe and Shem in Western Asia? Or did Ham's descendants MIGRATE between Mesopotamia and Africa, Japheth's descendants MIGRATE to the north and the Mediterranean, and Shem's descendants MIGRATE all across Mesopotamia? Or was Canaan not originally
a HAMITIC land.
And black kings ONLY ruled over other black people? Weren't the Moors once rulers of the Iberian Peninsula and Southern Italy?
Wasn't Timothy the son of a Greek father and Hebrew mother? (Acts 16:1-3) And didn't Drusilla marry Felix, a Roman procurator? (Acts 24:24)
So are you saying the Greeks (Javan) and Romans (Kittim) were black as well?
Breh... let's use critical thinking to refute your argument, especially since you wanna cherry pick science to fit your theory, yet reject it when it contradicts you.
You mentioned Neanderthal DNA, which means if there were Neanderthals there was also Homo habilis
, ergaster and erectus.
According to science, habilis, ergaster and erectus are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd evolutionary transitions in the Homo genus. Neanderthals are 5th, right before Homo Sapians. In the theory of evolution, Black people are the least evolved species in the Human family and Whites the most evolved.
Hmmm, I wonder who coulda created such a racist theory
Even worse, you're actually using it by try and create a correlation that doesn't exist
And while everything you said about Lot and the good angels, the Nephalim, Noah and the flood is scriptural... I still see you subtly trying to sneak in 1 Enoch, which is NOT scriptural, to try and piece things together.
Both Enochs (1 & 2) are false books. This is why only two groups (Ethiopic and Slavonic churches) use them in their bibles. Just the fact that 1 Enoch claims Lamech had a son who was white with rosy cheeks who "looked like the angels", along with claiming a so called angel named Phanuel is in charge of Repentance and Eternal life should be enough to raise red flags for you.
Especially since neither of those things is mentioned anywhere else in actual scripture.
But you love to argue moot points, so tell me when you're ready to come back with more conjecture and straw man arguments so we can wash, rinse, repeat.