
May 11, 2012
East ATL
- WB isn't spending anymore money to go on a casting search again for a reboot or replacement of any of the actors. They did that in 2012/2013 so if the Universe doesn't pan out then odds are that we won't be getting any DC movies for a long time

- Terrio said that he wrote JL more light and BvS would be the darkest in the JL saga so I'm pretty sure JL will be fine tone wise. Plus it's rumored that the WB heads are ordering Zack to keep it "fun" and the CEO is watching him closely.

- They're not delaying JL, that would lead to a budget beyond BvS and they will probably not make it back or barely break even. If they're fixing shyt, they will do it on the fly

- Zack needs to get rid of his dark filters. Only two scenes in the whole movie weren't dark and gloomy (The Indian ocean scene and The African one)


Dec 11, 2014
I don't think the fall off is going to make WB second guess their plan.

As far as changes I'd make going forward? Make Superman smile more. Supes should not be as conflicted and dark as Batman.

Remove the low saturation filter Snyder is in love with because goddamn are those two dreary looking movies. A little color wouldn't hurt.

But that's just me and unlike a lot of brehs around here I understand my opinion isn't law and whoever disagrees with me is wrong :pachaha:

These would be great starts. I don't know if "smile more" is exactly what we need, but I get where you're going with it. Superman needs to have a drive beyond just "I'm scared of hurting people". Makes him lame as shyt. We need Superman that isn't lame, but still cares more about the people than the people care about each other.

And yea, Snyder has got to go.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Most of the naysayers to bvs have attention deficit disorder because the talking points they talk about actually don't occur and the movie has linkage.
Not to mention dc just like the title created a dawn of justice.
By finally listening to the overall global gripes in the dc universe and actually fixed any long term issues of convincability, etc plaguing dc.
To give justice and a new dawn to dc and its past missteps in the past generation as far as dc as a gateway and addictive fan base.
To also answer the threadstsrter,.....
Dc should never be shackled by comedic relief.
As that is what lead to dc being damaged and then pigeon holed and shackled into a mother's group preyed upon entity.
as a stereotypically safe gateway product and consumer base.

As far as lighting, dc has to take on aspects of noir.
to adjust to the dark knight motif and global base of black featured as a constant and device in the dark knight artistry.
Which extends from the frank miller use of black as an expression point in the dark knight line of continuity.

As far as superman, superman is fine and I enjoyed the aspect of bvs..where supes basically was like, know whut.
fukk y'all I don't have to be superman and I got Lois who I really love.
I can fall back and nor answer your pleas for help, b.

So, imo....this is the most likeable you could make the character of superman in the dark knight continuity and asking him to be more than what he is. And presented is a disservice to the cinema dark knight style of supes used on film in this dc cinema continuity and product.
Especially given the circumstances of his death in the film is fine.
Imo, when he is resurrected in the jla movie to act as the volton with the blazing sword aspect he should always and can only be used in this rendition of the dc universe.
All because superman is to dominant of a heavy hitting character.
to write past him basically being the guy who saves the day like a mighty mouse soundtrack song.

So, imo I think superman is fine and any critique of the character is typically from people who show a distinct disconnect.
Plus, don't know th legacy of how supes was damaged in convincability.
Showing they don't really know this character or dc and its convincability or general negative reception in the general consumer ideals and consumer base of the past.
So, they are not qualified to give a thorough critique of superman to even propose this.
as far as reporting on what occurred in the movie and how they arose at this disconnect.
As it illustrates them dialing out of the film at portions of the film.
That are filmed with the dark knight meets vertigo content and visual noir aspects that mirror a thriller visually.

So, a lot of the critiques I read about superman negatively usually have been from a review source that illustrated severe disconnect and if you are a so-called review guy.
You should not be suffering disconnect on material you decided to review.
Disconnect from a reviewer is on the reviewer not the actual content.
As typically when I read negative reviews I talks about points clearly recall being presented and closed out in content and continuity in the film.

These reviewers, are starting off bad because why is rob liefeld being interviewed at all for a dc product.
When legacy wise he is a marvel guy.
Who has always shown a distinct disconnect to dc titles just for starters.

Just liefeld being there disqualifies a lot off heir talking points.

Art Barr
Last edited:
Oct 29, 2013
Westside Atl Perry Homes
fukk batman. Can't stand him. BVS was weak. If them two met each other for the first time, supe would kill him hands down. He wouldn't have time to go back and rethink shyt. One punch from supe and the bat is dead. Since he is the almighty bat, he has to win. BS! !!

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I don't think the fall off is going to make WB second guess their plan.

As far as changes I'd make going forward? Make Superman smile more. Supes should not be as conflicted and dark as Batman.

Remove the low saturation filter Snyder is in love with because goddamn are those two dreary looking movies. A little color wouldn't hurt.

But that's just me and unlike a lot of brehs around here I understand my opinion isn't law and whoever disagrees with me is wrong :pachaha:

I would not change the lighting in these movies.
All because dc movies need to be created in the tone of the color palette of vertigo and dark knight.
Of which Snyder is probably the only guy who gets this accurately and it also streamlines the looks of the dc universe.
So, visually the movies do nit move out of the realm of its beet movies which are the dark knight and watchmen.
Especially since watchmen acts as a lenchpin visually and in mythos with the dark knight films.

DC, is perfectly fine moving forward with this film and franchise.
Considering what dc was up against legacy wise and having to re-right after damaging these characters.
thank god they re-wrote the plot holes and lack of quality they plagued us with.

If you were really watching this movie.
They fixed any gripe.
You could have had with any past dc flagship character with this movie given the past.
Visually, snyder's action sequence and thriller noir style combined with nin meets seven style scoring works.
I enjoyed this film sonically and visually.

Especially considering what dc is up against and the fact they gave as good a college try to re-right what they have messed and how long they have messed up.

Art Barr
May 1, 2012
For me, personally, I would like for WB to continue going in the direction that they are going with the DC franchise.

Not everything related to comic book films should or need to be the same. If an example helps, people may want fast food but we may choose Burger King over McDonald's for a specific reason. On the surface, both establishments are fast food places but they're not the same when it comes to their food options.

The same could be said about these properties. Specially DC, doesnt need to be for children, they don't need to have a light tone, they don't need more colors, an after credit scene, or more comedic relief. Marvel has done these things consistently well and it's become apart of their brand.

I think DC's approach to their films helps diversify itself amongst the comic book realm of films. Casual fans and bandwagoners who want to seem in the know with fake outrage aren't being forced to watch these films and these films clearly aren't designed for nostalgia fanboys (i.e. The force awakens. which relies on rehashing the old in a new package and fans accepting mediocracy hidden in familiarity and hype).

I think wb should continue doing things their way with showing variety in their properties over time and having the intentions of having a well interconnected universe.

all comic films don't need the sparkle of Disney


May 1, 2012
I don't understand how shooting a movie about batman more in the daylight is going to help? :dahell:

Also why does this movie need to be funny? There's nothing funny about what's going on. Avengers is goat but those jokes are corny and lame. I like more of a serious tone.

Anyways this movie would've been a lot better if the real lex luthor was used, who has a plan and would've had a way to control doomsday instead of unleashing a monster to kill superman then have him wipe out the planet.

Less lois, more fishbourne (let him be the comic relief).

I would've liked to seen Batman grieve at Jason Todd's funeral, or showed a flashback to joker killing him and batman getting there too late.

Also at the end show the new Ra's al ghul putting todd's body into the lazarus put and having the water steam up cutting to the credit. Then we coulda had that red hood batman movie after suicide squad focusing on todd trying to kill joker and batman chiding todd about not turning into a common criminal