The Official CORMEDIX (CRMD)thread (run up to FDA approval has begun )


Nov 2, 2017
New York
:salute: I'm telling you brehs if we continue to put our heads together and keep finding picks like this we can really make bank. We are on a roll recently Amarin,HEPA,Clovis, and AUPH.

The biotech sector is one of the only sectors you can see 50-100%+ gains in a day or a matter of weeks. Thanks to all of y'all who keep posting great stock ideas and feeding the streets let's keep it going :eat:
You to brother :salute:much more prosperity to come :cheers:

Tug life

I stay fly like a guillemot
May 26, 2012
Harlem World
Updated my 6 figures biotech watchlist added CORV and AQRL and removed a couple feel free to add picks also

Here's a rundown on the catalyst for each.

ACST - phase III data to be released before Christmas

CORV - Adcom meeting Dec. 10 FDA decision date Dec. 24

HEPA - 28 day human study December or January

CLVS - ran up on speculation of a buyout. I'd be careful with this one.

AQRL - phase 1 data release expected December 9th need to do more DD on this one.

AUPH - Just released great phase III data and is holding up well. I'll look to take some profits on a pull back but this potentially has more upside.

AMRN - FDA decision date Dec 28th.

:whew: this is looking like it'll be a December to remember.


Nov 2, 2017
New York
Updated my 6 figures biotech watchlist added CORV and AQRL and removed a couple feel free to add picks also

Here's a rundown on the catalyst for each.

ACST - phase III data to be released before Christmas

CORV - Adcom meeting Dec. 10 FDA decision date Dec. 24

HEPA - 28 day human study December or January

CLVS - ran up on speculation of a buyout. I'd be careful with this one.

AQRL - phase 1 data release expected December 9th need to do more DD on this one.

AUPH - Just released great phase III data and is holding up well. I'll look to take some profits on a pull back but this potentially has more upside.

AMRN - FDA decision date Dec 28th.

:whew: this is looking like it'll be a December to remember.
Dope list and info as always bro. Definitely looking to add the bolded to the portfolio after some DD. I got out of CLVS and HEPA when they was up earlier this week tho. MTNB is another one i have which is performing well but I have to do some more DD.


Jun 14, 2018
Theres been a lot of chatter about Vascepa getting it expanded label PM Monday. Not sure how broad that label will be, but I think it had something to do with that 3% jump in the last 10-15 mins yesterday.

Whats interesting too, is that Amarin hasn't posted their Dec Investors update yet. Maybe their waiting for BIG news to drop, or maybe they are a tad bit behind.

Rx numbers were down 20% last week. That's not bad when you consider it was Thanksgiving week. Lots of folks were off for the 2 thxgiving days, plus the vacation days took surrounding thxgiving.

With M&A heating up in the biotech industry, could Amarin be worth $20 billion to a strategic buyer?

Amarin is currently valued at $7.8 billion by investors. A $20-billion buy would mean paying a 160% premium to its current stock price. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but that strikes me as just a little too rich for a drug that’s only been approved for sale since July 2012 and then only to lower patients’ triglyceride levels.

Acquisition Rumors Aren't the Only Thing Moving Amarin Stock

A lot of think $20B is way to low and JT will never sell for that much.


Jun 14, 2018
***from YMB***

A fundamental error is being made in the case of Amarin. The error being that Amarin has only one drug Vascepa. Normally that might be considered a limiting factor...but Vascepa (EPA) is the exception because does not target one disease..but rather controls a fundamental process, Systemic Inflammation, which if not kept under ideal conditions can and does throw off the physiology of every cell in the body and leads to multiple conditions and diseases that we currently treat with a number of different drugs..None of which work as well as Vascepa because they don't address the fundamental process and Vascepa does..In many ways EPA controls SI in the way that water controls hydration...Dehydration effects all cells and leads to dysfunction...We understand that because water is essential to life..and fortunately is free (Unless you are drinking bottled water..SI has flown under the radar. Its effects on physiology are more subtle..But it in aging it can be looked at as the temperature in an oven...The higher the temperature the faster the roast gets cooked...The higher the SI the faster the aging process. The true value of Vascepa is that it slows SI and that has benefits not only in aging, but in the brain itself. Elevated SI in the brain probably not only accelerates CNS aging...But the very perception of our surroundings and interactions..Imagine putting your cel phone in the oven...
So what lies in the realm of Vascepa...Virtually all degenerative diseases ( all diseases which end with an "Itis" suffix...all diseases which are accelerated by inflammation...Cancers...CNS disorders..depression, autism, and dementa...DES, Herpes Simplex, Canker Sores...CVD, T2DM...Trauma including athletic injuries, and general surgery and wound healing...All will be potential targets for Vascepa....
This is MO ...So maybe some of you who want a buyout here might consider the future ramifications..Quite simply Medicine has never seen the likes of this drug....Hold on to your shares...


Jun 14, 2018
****From YMB****

shyt reads like a top selling thriller novel...***

I have been invested in the company nearly a decade now and never before have I felt so close to the victory parade as I do now.

During my tenure of being a stakeholder I would break it down into 3 separate acts.

Act 1 from 2010 marine to anchor and the adcom disaster of October 2013 in the moment cursing corruption of the fda, Mary parks, to only learn later the nce asking for cvot was right. Act 1 in my mind culminated in 2016 w woodcocks memo basically giving full endorsement should Amrn want to market superior epa grade “fish oil” and become a major DS player. But, alas, Act 1 ended w the continuity of going all in w reduce it.

Sure, there was drama along the way. Joey Zs famous line more suitors than employees, the resistance of pfe overture on the cheap, diluting shares, equity raise and doubts whether might Lovaza would ever loosen its grip.

But into Act 2, circa 2016 welcome the arrival of Julian and Felix Baker, buy in from them that the cvot designed for reduce it could, maybe, somehow, possibly, so you’re saying there’s a chance (jelis reinforces) that the rrr would at least be 15%. Fast forward to aug 2018, the mad hatters at stat, Herper and Feuerstein interviews Dr Budoff and he says 85% chance of reduce it w 15% rrr and those guys being dumbfounded by Budoff being so bold. Act 2 culminates on 9/24/18 430am est when 25% rrr hits the wires and the pre market explodes.

Act 3, the true test and final act.

Wall Street now says prove it. AHA buildup into Nov and little underdog meets the mighty forces of BP, HFs, shorts, Stat, Cramer, all of them and they say be ready for the fight of your life. That Saturday in November 2018 should have been mainstreamed blitz of the 2nd coming of penicillin but instead the big boys owned the school yard and wanted to flex their muscles. In the 14 months since reduce it, Amrn has had the Herculean task of de risking it all.

And medical community has come aboard, ADA SOC, w endorsements plus recommendations from ACC, AHA, NLA, ESC, ESA, Mayo, NEJM, JACC. And JT boldly dares to fight the headwinds.

Tackling DS head on, constant short attacks, yet as he preserves Baker is the guiding light, holding their 12% stake and having Edelman, Cohen and other HF come aboard l. Meanwhile more tutes join in, retail flees , yet JT has Bhatt and reduce it data keeps on giving more goodies. Systematic inflammation countered by V=Nash, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Cancers, list goes on and on.

The final act concludes w the biggest David vs Goliath fight of all time. Amrn vs fda. Will fda hold Supreme Court grudge? Adcom fears, DDI, yet JT has the heart of a lion, eye of the tiger, a rocky balboa if you will and says the widest, broadest primary label is indeed backed by the cvot of reduce it, proven w moa from evaporate and what’s about to happen is a SHOCK the WORLD LABEL

70-130m patient population and to all the doubters that can’t see it. It’s happening. The widest, broadest label, beyond primary is about to hit the wires.

Michael Yee flew to London w JT and in his private investor note admitted to sandbagging estimates and great confidence in the mother lode of all labels.

So the final act concludes w fda hitting the wires on the news of the new label.

So, all this banter, yet why do I feel the victory parade is insight?



You danced w Beyond Meat, ROKU, but in the world of bios there’s never been the Absolute, Truly, Unbridled, Real Deal UNICORN, the once in a generation, transformational paradigm shifting, DS destroying, high stepping, high flying, volume play that is Vascepa.

The price controls, pps manipulation has been all about the conclusion of Act 3, the fda label and alas, once that label hits this goes bonkers. Pps will rocket

Rumors have always been JT wants $40b minimum, but how do you get there? Wait a couple more years for $5b sales or pps rise happens fast then M&A hits. JPM just around the corner w binary news on label, the Reddys/Hikma case soon to settle, it’s almost too perfect.

Sleep easy longs, the news is coming, will it be in the next 6 hours or 2 weeks, WE will find out soon. But, get ready, if you’ve been through the doldrums of the dark days patience will be rewarded multi fold.

It’s happening, it’s coming, after the label this is gonna move fast in a hurry.

Tug life

I stay fly like a guillemot
May 26, 2012
Harlem World
We got another one boys ARQL is getting bought out by Merck for $2.7 billion up 100% to about $19 from $9


Jun 14, 2018
Evan Gappelberg, CEO of NexTech states that, “CaptureAR is a pivotal new technology which will greatly accelerate the augmented reality global marketplace. Now, with our CaptureAR app we are putting the power to create photo-realistic 3-D models into the hands of millions of smartphone users worldwide. We imagine a world where millions of 3-D models are created using our app and then seamlessly uploaded onto our ARitize e-commerce platform where we charge $40/month per product. What used to take one of our experienced 3-D modeler days of work can now be done in a matter of minutes—and with the same resolution and image fidelity as if the 3-D model was designed from scratch, it’s pretty mind blowing!” He continues, “After our app is live in early Q1 creating 3-D objects will become easy, anyone will be able to do it natively within our app, no special training or skills required making our app launch a major break-through for both the industry and NexTech.”

Yahoo is now part of Verizon Media