The Official CORMEDIX (CRMD)thread (run up to FDA approval has begun )


Jun 14, 2018

From Jesselivermore from Ihub.

The relativity of lipids to Systemic Inflammation..A New Paradigm Shift..

Early in the twentieth century Einstein shocked the physical world, overturning the Newtonian Laws which declared Time and space as constants.Einstein repudiation of the absolute consistency of time and space was not based on new math, but of careful observation of everyday events which were there for all the world to see...Einstein just looked at them a little more carefully...I believe the same can be scrutiny can be applied to blood and tissue lipids and how they effect the disease processes associated with cardiovascular disease and other age degenerative processes..

Observation 1) Blood lipids and sugar levels are controlled principally by enzyme activity that removes these fuels from the blood and stores them in the adipose tissue fat cells...and not by the dietary intake or production by the liver..The idea that dietary excess is the principal cause of high trigs, high cholesterol or high sugars is incorrect..

Observation 2) Enzyme activity that clears trigs, cholesterol, and blood sugars from the blood stream are profoundly effected by Systemic Inflammation. (SI)..Elevated Systemic inflammation (SI) lowers the bodies ability to remove and store lipids and sugars from the blood stream..and result in elevated trigs, cholesterol and blood sugars...

Observation 3) Systemic inflammation is principally controlled by the EPA/AA ratio...Which is diet related, but not based on lipid levels..but rather caloric and EPA intake.

Observation 4) Elevated lipid and sugar levels are reflections of elevated SI and to be effective the therapy must me directed toward lowering SI...Methods which lower sugars, trigs or cholesterol, but do not lower SI will not effect the degenerative processes..

Some ramifications...

1) the mineral oil dilemma..Elevated LDL-Cs seen in the placebo arm of the R-I trial...What might cause this..First of all it is important to understand the dynamics of the lipoprotein particles..LDL-C is the lipid fraction that carries low density cholesterol which is widely accepted as a CVD risk factor...Another lipid factor VLDL-C (very low density lipoprotein-C is the fraction that carries mostly trigs...but LDL-C and VLDL are not mutually exclusive as VLDL also carries LDL-C and if trigs are lowered then the VLDL-C is converted into LDL-C..which results in higher LDL-C levels...Now another factor comes in and that is EPA has the almost magical ability to lower trigs (VLDL) and not raise the LDL-C levels..(This was the non obvious part of the 889 patent which put V on the map with the MARINE indication..

The important point is that a slight rise in LDL-C does not indicate mineral oil is blocking statins.. It should be noted that elevated LDL-C in the placebo arm is only relative to the LDL-C levels in the active arm...And we know that EPA actively lowers SI which will lower LDL-C levels and that EPA can lower trig levels without raising LDL-C...And because of these effects the LDL-C levels in the active arm should be lower than the LDL-C levels in the placebo arm..It is actually surprising the LDL-C levels are not more divergent...

We are on the verge of a new paradigm shift...The shift is that lipid levels are the puppets and SI is the puppet master....The EPA/AA ratio is virtually universal in our bodies..Correcting the SI is key...

":>) JL


Jun 14, 2018

From Jesselivermore from Ihub.

The relativity of lipids to Systemic Inflammation..A New Paradigm Shift..

Early in the twentieth century Einstein shocked the physical world, overturning the Newtonian Laws which declared Time and space as constants.Einstein repudiation of the absolute consistency of time and space was not based on new math, but of careful observation of everyday events which were there for all the world to see...Einstein just looked at them a little more carefully...I believe the same can be scrutiny can be applied to blood and tissue lipids and how they effect the disease processes associated with cardiovascular disease and other age degenerative processes..

Observation 1) Blood lipids and sugar levels are controlled principally by enzyme activity that removes these fuels from the blood and stores them in the adipose tissue fat cells...and not by the dietary intake or production by the liver..The idea that dietary excess is the principal cause of high trigs, high cholesterol or high sugars is incorrect..

Observation 2) Enzyme activity that clears trigs, cholesterol, and blood sugars from the blood stream are profoundly effected by Systemic Inflammation. (SI)..Elevated Systemic inflammation (SI) lowers the bodies ability to remove and store lipids and sugars from the blood stream..and result in elevated trigs, cholesterol and blood sugars...

Observation 3) Systemic inflammation is principally controlled by the EPA/AA ratio...Which is diet related, but not based on lipid levels..but rather caloric and EPA intake.

Observation 4) Elevated lipid and sugar levels are reflections of elevated SI and to be effective the therapy must me directed toward lowering SI...Methods which lower sugars, trigs or cholesterol, but do not lower SI will not effect the degenerative processes..

Some ramifications...

1) the mineral oil dilemma..Elevated LDL-Cs seen in the placebo arm of the R-I trial...What might cause this..First of all it is important to understand the dynamics of the lipoprotein particles..LDL-C is the lipid fraction that carries low density cholesterol which is widely accepted as a CVD risk factor...Another lipid factor VLDL-C (very low density lipoprotein-C is the fraction that carries mostly trigs...but LDL-C and VLDL are not mutually exclusive as VLDL also carries LDL-C and if trigs are lowered then the VLDL-C is converted into LDL-C..which results in higher LDL-C levels...Now another factor comes in and that is EPA has the almost magical ability to lower trigs (VLDL) and not raise the LDL-C levels..(This was the non obvious part of the 889 patent which put V on the map with the MARINE indication..

The important point is that a slight rise in LDL-C does not indicate mineral oil is blocking statins.. It should be noted that elevated LDL-C in the placebo arm is only relative to the LDL-C levels in the active arm...And we know that EPA actively lowers SI which will lower LDL-C levels and that EPA can lower trig levels without raising LDL-C...And because of these effects the LDL-C levels in the active arm should be lower than the LDL-C levels in the placebo arm..It is actually surprising the LDL-C levels are not more divergent...

We are on the verge of a new paradigm shift...The shift is that lipid levels are the puppets and SI is the puppet master....The EPA/AA ratio is virtually universal in our bodies..Correcting the SI is key...

":>) JL

from oct 18:

1.If you speak to any competent physician, they say that Diabetes is actually a reflection of a cardio-vascular problem. The high blood sugar is only a symptom of it.

2. From a doctor on another board, (paraphrasing), it's inflammation that prevents insulin from doing what its supposed to do. It is also inflammation that causes high trigs in non-diabetics and diabetics, as well. Vascepa reduces inflammation, which allows the body to process (insulin) properly and triglycerides drop. This is why this drug is so valuable. Reducing inflammation reduces triglycerides and lowers MACE, and will also allow insulin to do its job in diabetics, but Vascepa will also reduce inflammation in countless other ways... Seborrheic dermatitis? Rheumatoid Arthritis? Scarring after surgery? Rosacea? Will it affect the mechanisms of Alzheimers? Parkinsons? Multiple Sclerosis? How many other countless applications will/does it have?

3. News: Vascepa helped diabetes patients: CREATES SHORT-LONG CRISIS, Stockvadar-writes

Like it or not, Amarin's lead investigator is reporting this week to a room of cardio-diabetes specialists.

Go long or go short, your money. We believe Vascepa helped diabetes patients.

Let it sink in. $60B is our baseline (probably low) for a buy-out.


Just putting 2 and 2 together for those that haven't seen the older posts from last year.


Jun 14, 2018
Cant believe AMRN went down after the huge reception it got in Europe yesterday.

RGBP up 11% today. Added some at the bell. Gonna work my way up to a Million shares, then go from there.

Even with its current volatility, I still think that AMRN is very close to being a sure thing. I see investors that's been holding for 4-5+ years when the SP was below $3 saying they have 20,000-100,000 shares and shyt. Im gonna try to do something similar with RGBP and hope one (or a couple) of drugs in their pipeline hits near blockbuster status.

SHMP down today after massive gains last week. But, its a long term play anyways.


Jun 14, 2018
Any of yall ever transferred from brokerage to another? Why did you do it? How long did it take? Any Hiccups?


Jun 14, 2018
Doing some reading now.

For those interested:

CTD Holdings (OTCQB: CTDH)

Up 7% today. Director purchased 200k shares.

Not sure if anyone looked at the videos on this page , but it's a very interesting story. They basically funded this company themselves. The BOD and a few rich friends all put money together to see this thing thru.

Gonna gone head and load up NX week. Either this, or a few more shares of AMRN.


Jun 14, 2018
Looks like it took a day for investors to make sense out of the news that dropped our of Europe yesterday.

JT gonna be speaking at a fireside chat at 215. Hopefully it goes well above 10% and stays.


Jun 14, 2018
Just got caught up on whats going on with SHMP.

They bring in Shrimp when they are about 28 days old and raise them inside. They got a bad batch of Shrimp in that had some kind of virus. Now, normally the virus would spread to most of the other shrimp and ruin the harvest. But since SHMP has this new water filtration system in place, the virus never spread and due to the water staying clean the affected shrimp was able to fight off the virus and get back healthy on their own.

Now, they are putting to put the new shrimp in their very own tank, then move them to one of the larger tanks after X amount of time.

So, notification of the virus caused SP to fall, for a few days. Then the PR on the system working as planned has made the SP go back up the last few days.


NaturalShrimp worked closely with both the TPWD and the USDA/APHIS for the last several weeks in order to quickly remove the IHHNV from the facility. Hatcheries are required to guarantee virus free post larvae (PL) shrimp supplies through their own independent laboratory testing. This is the first time that the Company has detected the presence of IHHNV infected shrimp indicated by a much slower than normal growth throughout its 18 years of receiving PL shrimp from hatcheries.

“Although this virus was not caused by NaturalShrimp or our systems, we are happy to help with the eradication of this virus at our facility,” said Gerald Easterling, CEO. “Our systems continue to operate at the highest levels of efficiency and safety. Because of our technology, the shrimp were able to survive despite the virus breakout. Although this virus does not affect people, we are still happy that no human consumption of the ill shrimp took place,” said Tom Untermeyer, Chief Technology Officer.

In the future, the Company's isolated nursery tanks will add an extra measure of safety protocol through early detection of the IHHNV prior to the stocking of growout tanks in case this remote possibility happens again. The Company will begin restocking during the month of September with new PLs in its newly installed nursery systems.

Yahoo is now part of Oath
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Reactions: L68


Jun 14, 2018
The Mayo Clinic endorsing Vascepa now.

Says a statin a say isnt enough to keep the Dr. Away.

I'll post a link later when I get back to my cpu.

Note: Till this afternoon I didn't know The Mayo Clinic was like the best hospital in the US. I thought they were just a website filled with medical info.


The data from Toth et al contribute to our understanding of the risks of elevated TGs by demonstrating in a large, real-world database that the observations from recent randomized clinical trials about the risks of elevated TGs in statin-treated patients remain a real and present danger for the cardiovascular well being of our patients with dyslipidemia. Furthermore, the data from Toth et al6 confirm observations from epidemiological datasets and the REDUCE-IT trial that treatment with statins alone is insufficient for optimal reduction of cardiovascular risk. It is important to evaluate elevated TGs in patients on statin therapy. Might there be contributions from cardiometabolic risk? Might these patients in our own practices warrant more intensive lipid-lowering therapy with either icosapent ethyl or a fibrate to further mitigate their cardiovascular dyslipidemia? Are TGs one of the “check engine lights” that necessitate further evaluation by clinicians treating dyslipidemia with statin therapy? We believe so and find the Toth data compelling enough that we need to re-evaluate our practice patterns in those patients with elevations of plasma triglycerides.
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