That is interesting I remember reading somewhere that the panther God sort of called out the incursions and destruction of wakanda back in AvX but I wonder was that a clue to Doom maybe figuring out how to stop the incursions (or make battleworld) that is going on now
Overall you right BP has been fukking up a lot these last few years.
It is possible but i doubt it, only because doomwar predated avx and hickman's avengers run before i think any plans were in motion.
What's interesting to me is that Namor despite being.. unethical.. is also true to his beliefs in protecting the world but funny how the panther spirits weren't trying to hear that shyt when T'Challa was trying to work with Namor... nope! it was all about avenging wakanda and the hell with Namor being the only one with the balls to blow up a planet and, hence, save their planet (and Wakanda by extension). But because Namor killed wakandans, it was F Namor and T'Challa gets crucified for not conforming.
But then you have Doom who made an assassination attempt on the royal family, killed his share of wakandans and would throw Wakanda in the bushes if need be.. but spiritual kitty god is like "nah u good breh" talking about, "clearly you're sincere in your assertions of what you feel would make the world better" (i'm sure Hitler was too.. but ok) and "i can't forsee any other scenario in which the world isn't better bc of you.."
(So i guess kitty god's foresight overlooked AvX, Infinity, and all the alternate incursion earth's in New Avengers that Doom couldn't or didnt do shyt about.. but yea..)
Basically, what we saw was convenient ass writing to advance the plot by making the cat-god look like a punk so Doom could continue pissing all over wakanda while T'Challa plays catchup.
And I
like the Doom character.. and the Namor character.. and Reed Richards... they're all
very fun and entertaining.. but yea, lets piss/shyt on BP and his mythology to make them look that much better. that's cool