Dirty Mcdrawz
Your girl loves em....
Finally got around to reading Thor #1..........garbage

Aarkus was just in the new Invaders.
And all the so-called grumpy X-telepaths couldn't be any more grumpy than Rogue yet she's on the team.
It is a glaring flaw in that book and there is no real excuse for it.
Remender made it funny though because Magneto is not gonna hold a big rock over someone to eliminate someone..lol
Yeah he had it comingAlso.. fukk it, I'm just gonna say it...
Did ANYONE ELSE feel almost vindicated for those short moments when Magneto beat up then caved the Red Skull's head in? That shyt was awesome lol
I mean... you have been hearing me on Cap's constant negligence in finding psychics, right? Its not that this team COULDN'T find someone to do the job, its that Cap never actually tried. And that makes sense because its consistent with his character and his record in team building.
The GOAL of all this is after going through this, maybe he'll see the value in psychics because he has yet to show that yet
Too bad they de-powered Nate Grey/
This shyt seems so forced, and so Bendis.I wish they would just tell a goddamn story and stop trying to make everything bigger than it should be or actually is.
This "Cry Wolf" shyt.
Nobody cares, Marvel. And when they should, you make it so shytty that.... nobody cares.
hmmmmmm^ it's some kind of reboot to go with the fact they're doing Civil War theatrically starting in Cap 3: