Well Havok's speech is basically the summation of a Libertarian's view on minorities or ethnic differences to a tee. I don't necessarily agree with it in real life or in the comic world, but it is a real viewpoint in life so I don't see why it would be rare for a mutant to have it in this fictional world.
Rogue's characterization I completely get, but I sort of give him a pass for it because of the environment the MU is in RIGHT after AvX, RIGHT after Xavier's death, RIGHT after Cyclops's revolutionary turn and a huge divide between mutants, her being on edge MAKES sense.
Wanda's characterization on this has been almost 100% accurate too. She is psychologically scarred regarding mutant issues from her childhood all the way to being a mutant villain and Magneto's daughter. She has ALWAYS been mute on mutant issues, that's why she is the only mutant hero that has never been on an X-Team. Her "Aunt Tomika

" characterization is consistent with who she is. It just has never been a major issue because there hasn't been any mutants on the Avengers team besides her and her brother. And Cap allowing her on the team because she asked is consistent with his characterization because Cap ALWAYS gives "his guys" a pass. Cap let's Tony and Hawkeye get away with egregious and downright criminal things because he likes and trusts him. He's BEEN letting Logan harbor criminals and terrorists at his school and Logan's constant disobeying orders because they are all old war buddies. Cap plays favorites and I LOVE that Havok called him out on it.
And Havok is the straight man of the title, he is the one who has to be the mediator for the group turmoil