Cute? Lol. Just teen driven gen X and old school gen 13.
I never understood the DC hate outside of the 90s style that they had. They ain't corny one dimensional characters at all,both hero and villain.All.the female titles at Marvel damn near blow away anything at DC(Black Widow, She Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel). I don't read Superman though and haven't checked on Batman, Batgirl, or Wonder Woman in months. I doubt Slott has just magically fallen off after writing all of those great Superior Spider Man stories...Gillen is a great writer but Iron Man is just not a good character to read. Mark Waid has always been good on Daredevil. ..Bunn is writing better than anyone in the industry on Magneto.
Lol@Green Lantern? Come on
Black Widow is boring the art is carrying that book
I'm didn't read Storm so I won't comment on that
Ms Marvel tries way too hard to be cute
and Hickman's stuff looks more promising than Axis.
I like Ms Marvel. It is the only book that is a part of this whole Inhumans push that doesn't suck.Ms Marvel is one of the best comics out right now. Period. That book always leaves me wanting.
A Muslim girl superhero.
The big villain is a bird Thomas Edison.
The Inhumans are gonna send Lockjaw to keep her company.
Really inversion sounds like garbage to me , remember lost all my faith with his handling of the mutant /avengers dynamic in the beginning . I loved xforce but he's a one trick pony with his deathes /resurrections .Axis inversion sounds great and Hickman's out of time hopefully is great too. Those two story lines have basically been the buildup behind the scenes of the majority of Marvels books since Marvel Now started. On the low I think between the two Marvel is going to do a soft reboot for the Marvel status quo.
WOW @ Injustice Year Two
Read that entire series, brehs. Superman is on some evil shyt.
Injustice Ganthet
that magneto book is really good i slept on it
Those last few panels for the newest one.
Saw that Canary part coming.
Those last few panels for the newest one.
Saw that Canary part coming.