I enjoyed all of the Batman books this week even Batman Eternal.
That scene at the end of Batman where Alfred envisioned the normal future for Bruce Wayne was some sad shyt.
All of the X-Men books suck but Wolverine and the X-Men is pure dog shyt.
Storm was ; I am a fan of Pak's writing and the art was decent but the first issue was so blah.
The X-men franchise is complete utter garbage and has been for years. I'm sorry but this is not the franchise I grew up on. The stories are uneventful and unimaginative and I won't even talk about the lame ass villains. The X line has pretty much been trash since M day occurred. That storyline killed the line because it shoehorned the franchise into a corner that was hard to maneuver out of.
The best X-Men stories haven't even taken place in the main titles. Uncanny X-Force with the Apocalypse Solution and the Dark Angel Saga and Magneto's curret solo title, is light years better than anything Uncanny or adjective less X-Men has produced in a loooonnng time. Hell Peter David's X-Factor was the best X-book going for years and they pretty much ignored what was going on in the MU.
The fact that everyone hates cyclops is the STUPIDEST plot going right now. He gets demonized for killing Xavier while possessed by a cosmic entity but Scarlett Witch nearly wiped out the entire species and no one bats an eye(except for Rogue) while she runs around again with the Avengers? She gets a passed because she was manipulated/possessed but Scott is a criminal. Phoenix Jean destroyed a planet yet the X-Men had no qualms accepting her back with in their ranks.
Schism was incredibly retarded. Wolverine of all people gets offended because Cyclops is training young mutants to defend themselves?!? Did he sleep through the the killing of all the students?? How many times has the school been attacked? Utopia was on the verge of being attacked again by a killer Sentinel. Those who chose to fight did just that. They CHOSE.
The line is directionless. Meandering from one storyline to the next. It needs to be reorganized and given a central theme ala Avengers was given. Then you can branch off on other titles who follow that central theme but from different perspectives. Hire some writers who want to tell X-men stories not stories using X-men characters. [/rant]
Nah he is writing the Storm solo book.Pak is on x-men?
going to give it read
you really can't do much with Storm as a solo character this just proves itI enjoyed all of the Batman books this week even Batman Eternal.
That scene at the end of Batman where Alfred envisioned the normal future for Bruce Wayne was some sad shyt.
All of the X-Men books suck but Wolverine and the X-Men is pure dog shyt.
Storm was ; I am a fan of Pak's writing and the art was decent but the first issue was so blah.
Its crazy because the first issue wasn't bad but it wasn't all that good either. It just was.you really can't do much with Storm as a solo character this just proves it
If Marvel were to ever give Claremont another shot at the X-Men I think writing a Storm solo book would have been the best fit for him.Nah..Storm #1 was decent. Any real fans of Storm will recognize it as a Storm throwback to Claremont's greatness.
After the Cap movie, Marvel has to promote Falcon....cant blame themI that Marvel are relaunching Mighty Avengers and retitling it Captain America and the Mighty Avengers like Falcon wasn't the second worst person on the team.