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@me just seeing this thread.Brehs got a ?is the newer comics worth getting into?Generally I collect old comics from 60's through the early 90's.What series would ya'll recommend?
From Marvel ongoing series I'd recommend are Superior Spider-Man, New Avengers, Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, New Avengers, Thor God of Thunder & Daredevil. I'd stay away from anything X-Men related as the books are going through and awful crossover. The Infinity mini is great so far.
As far older Marvel stuff (late 90's 2000's) you should try Christopher Priest's Black Panther run, Ed Brubaker's Captain America run, Kevin Smith's, Bendis' and Brubaker's Dardevil runs, Hickman's Fantastic Four run, Abnett & Lannings Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova runs, Brubaker's Immortal Iron Fist and JMS The Mighty Thor.
DC I'm currently reading Aquaman, most of the bat related books, Wonder Woman (which is really good), Justice League, Justice League of America,The Flash, Earth 2, most fo the green lantern books. The Forever Evil mini is looking good.