whats the best app for reading comics on a PC?
whats the best app for reading comics on a PC?
whats the best app for reading comics on a PC?
this Scott debate is damn near spam and needs to end lol
several books to go through when i get a chance
Way too many things to name.
Priest's Black Panther
The original X-Factor series
The entire Death & return of Superman saga
100 Bullets
Sinestro Corps War
Peter David's Captain Marvel
Peter David's Hulk
Greg Pak's Hulk
Ex Machina
I know there's a TON of shyt I'm forgetting about.
A few weeks ago, when Dan DiDio was saying “One of our major recognizable characters will be affected in a very dramatic way.”
We said that the character was going to be Nightwing.
Aaron Haaland who attended the DC Retailer Roadshow confirmed this news. Talking about Forever Evil
“It’s going to start with Nightwing,” reminding us that Dan DiDio wanted to kill off Nightwing in Infinite Crisis…
I hate Steve Trevor, hes such a dweeb, was he better in the pre 52 universe?
:Cenashrug: join team Scott and well stopuntil then
And cable and the xforce is my shytgun eye ?
man took out the whole avengers by himself ,Scott and nat>>>>> Alex soft ass summers
Caps team is the worst. Him and havok whining and acting like jerks ...corny ! I wish multiple man was chosen instead as the face of the mutant community . He has street cred for helping people after decimation as opposed to ol fake starjammer Alex summer . I didn't realize the avengers were the marvel universe Gestapo and could shut down anyone they want that's not a avenger. Domino and dr nemesis are gold ...at the chance of sounding redundant, Cap's Cops need to sit their asses down somewhere.
And yeah, the book is steadily becoming Gold.
Wanda ran their asses just the prior week, right.
Did I say they need to siddown already?
Nightwing Confirmed As The Central Affected Character In Forever Evil And Villain's Month
I wonder if they are going to kill Nightwing or if the rumor I keep hearing is true and they are going to have him end up in the future and become Batman as part of the Justice League 3000 series that is coming out?
Caps team is the worst. Him and havok whining and acting like jerks ...corny ! I wish multiple man was chosen instead as the face of the mutant community . He has street cred for helping people after decimation as opposed to ol fake starjammer Alex summer . I didn't realize the avengers were the marvel universe Gestapo and could shut down anyone they want that's not a avenger. Domino and dr nemesis are gold ...