DC need 2 do tha right thing and bring back tha Secret Six and let Gail
Samone do her thing.
Suicide Squad sucks ASS.
I miss Scandal, Deadshot, Bane, Ragdoll, Catman, Killa Shark, and Jeanette
being tha most dysfunctional team in comics, goin' on bat shyt crazy
adventures, and walkin' tha thin line btw being heroes and villains.
I miss Secret Six...that was my favorite book for awhile.
And Suicide Squad was ass cheeks for the first 19 issues be ause Adam Glass was a bad fit for the book and wrote really unoriginal boring stories.
But with issue #20 the book has gotten good because new writer Ales Kot has a good feel for the vibe the book should have. I am enjoying the book now.