Speaking of magic...I know it's been asked to DEATH.....but seriously, why
can we get an "event" for all tha supernatural/magic characters? Marvel
gave sum weak excuse years ago...but it would work.
ANybody heck out Uber #1 ? Its by Kieron Gillen (the current writer on Iron Man) and it is about Hitler turning around the Nazi's chances in WW 2 because his scientists successfully created super-humans. The first issue was really good and has me excited for the rest of the series.
And if you haven't been checking out Suicide Squad (and who can blame you because it was pretty mediocre), now is a good time to give it a look. It has this new dude writing the book and his take on the Squad is much closer to the old Ostrander glory days.
Anybody still reading X-Factor? The idea behind this whole storyline has been meh as hell....
But that ending, brehs....![]()
Any readers of Marvel's Exiles?
you see that green bishes titties
Never really checked for Elephanet Men, would you recoommend reading earlier issues?
Been reading some older Lantern comics like Emerald Twilight and Spectre with Hal Jordan