I forgot to mention it last week, but Bloodshot gave Toyo Harada that WORK. Its a cool twist that Bloodshot isn't just on some "Ultimate Soldier" shyt, but was specifically made to kill Psiots... and who's upper limit is killing Toyo Harada. I'm guessing that the Military folks Toyo's plotting on in his backstory (which so far as been EXCELLENT) made Bloodshot to wipe 'em all out.
Harbinger was great again. I'm glad they've toned down Zephyr's super nerd girl stannism.
I wonder how the escaped Psiot kids thing is gonna play out? I don't remember there being such a thing in either of the last two Valiant runs.
Archer and Armstrong #0 was great. The Lost Land, huh. Does Gold Key still own the rights to Turok, Solar and Magnus: Robot Fighter? I'm interested to see how all of this (Unity) plays out without the three characters.
Is Ivar still lost in time, I wonder?
I hope that the creative teams on these books NEVER change.
Pound for Pound:
Valiant (by leaps and bounds. NO weak books on it's roster, with the weakest being Shadowman, and judging by it's #0 issue, that's going to be debatable really soon)
Image (Lotta slept on gems, SaGa, Thief of Thieves, East of West, Bedlam. Put here because Writers and Artists are allowed to do whatever the hell they want, and it pays off big time)
Marvel (This whole Time shyt that's going on in all of the core books has me excited about Marvel as a whole in the first time since.... lets just say a long time. Hickman's turn as Main Plotter has been tremendous. Then there's Hawkeye, SUPERIOR Spider-Man, the X Books.....)
DC (Still recovering from being shot in the face during Flashpoint, IMO. Im going to be dropping Batman Inc and Action once Morrison is done, that will leave pretty much only Wonder Woman, Constatine Demon Knights and Justice League Dark on my To Read list.)
DC is ending Batman Inc when Morrison leaves.