Gettin' It In
who else got the twelve reasons to die comic

Bendis created Jessica Jones so of course she seems consistent because she is his baby. and the whole reason she even exiss s because someone at Marvel decided that they didn't want to allow Bendis to have Jessica Drew (Spider Woman) being a drunken bar slut who let Luke Cage fukk her in the ass during a one night stand.
My neighbor gave me a big box of comics that were his son's. Lots of stuff I've never heard of. I'll have to make a list so the Coli experts can school me. I know for sure there's about 30 Ruse books
Bendis created Jessica Jones so of course she seems consistent because she is his baby. and the whole reason she even exiss s because someone at Marvel decided that they didn't want to allow Bendis to have Jessica Drew (Spider Woman) being a drunken bar slut who let Luke Cage fukk her in the ass during a one night stand.
The Kurt Busiek/George Perez Avengers was a top seller and maintained that status (without having the full backing of the company and two fo the most popular heroes in all comics on the squad) until those two creators left the book.
And there wasn't anything fresh about what Bendis did and they weren't stale at all...he just made everyone talk (and talk and talk and talk and talk) like they were characters from Powers while spending more time pushing the actual Avengers to the background to focus on shytty villains he had a hard on for like the Hood.
Anybody got any links to the books that dropped this week? My normal go to site is down
I was trying to get int avengers during that time and it was whack. The live kree or die story was ass and the triathlon story was weak. I doubt avengers was outselling xmen at that time.
So Marston had all these ideas and it was very deep, there was a book by him which was hidden in the DC Comics vaults because they didnt really want anyone to see it, and a friend of mine at DC sneaked it out for me one time. And its this thing, and honestly you cant read it, its deranged, its like the guys just done mescaline or something, talking about his sexual theories.
But then Marston died, and that energy left the strip, it just disappeared when you took the sex out of Wonder Woman, the thing went flat. And the sales died immediately after Marston himself died and never ever recovered.
I think Ive found a way, but Im not gonna tell you what Ive done because hopefully the Wonder Woman series will be out next year sometime or thereabouts. But I think Ive found a way to get all that back in again but it took a lot of reading. This has been the hardest project Ive ever done.
That Supermans meant to be this ultimate expression of masculinity and he still gets to be sexual, while Wonder Womans meant to be the ultimate expression of womanhood and yet she isnt allowed anything to do with sex.
I will give you Triathlon and Silver Claw as two things that were just awful from the Busiek/Perez run but everything else was perfection.
And it included an Ultron storyline that makes this Age of Ultron story Bendis is doing now look like steaming hot shyt.